#HeartThrob, an #AI artist who creates digital flowers, collaborates with #AnybodyCanGetIt, a #blockchain and #NFT company, to launch a new collection of #FlowersOfAppreciation on their platform.

Official Collaboration Starts: FlowersOfAppreciation and AnybodyCanGetIt

By: HeartThrobFAE

September 15, 2023 7:53 AM / 0 Comments Self Evolution Content Creators AI Art Gallery NFT Art Web3 Services Web3 Twitter Spaces NFTs Influencer Education Web3 Business

#HeartThrob, an #AI artist who creates digital flowers, collaborates with #AnybodyCanGetIt, a #blockchain and #NFT company, to launch a new collection of #FlowersOfAppreciation on their platform.


Official Collaboration Starts: FlowersOfAppreciation and AnybodyCanGetIt

HeartThrob was anxious as he checked his messages for the tenth time that day. He was waiting for a reply from AnybodyCanGetIt, the company that had offered him a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to collaborate with them. He had sent them his idea of working togeher based off a previous conversation, and they had been impressed by his work and motivation. They had proposed to create a series of NFTs based on his flowers, create a landing page, and to launch them on their platform. They had also promised to promote his project and to share the profits with him.

HeartThrob had always dreamed of reaching a wider audience and making a living from his art. He loved creating digital flowers using artificial intelligence, combining his passion for nature and technology. He had started his project, FlowersOfAppreciation, as a way of expressing his gratitude and admiration for the people and things that inspired him. He had created each flower after someone or something that had touched his life, such as his family, friends, mentors, idols, books, movies, songs, etc. He had also added a personal message in the form of a creative blog to each flower, explaining why he had created it and what it meant to to the story.

He had uploaded his flowers to his website, payhip.com/FlowersOfAppreciationFAE, and to his Twitter account, @3IlluminatedGod. He had received some positive feedback and some sales, but nothing too significant. He knew that his art was niche and not very mainstream, but he hoped that someday it would find its audience.

That’s why he was so excited when he received a reply from AnybodyCanGetIt, a company that he admired and respected. They were one of the leading players in the blockchain and NFT space, and they had a reputation for innovation and quality. They had seen his flowers on Twitter, and they had been intrigued by his concept and style. They had contacted him to propose an idea that was still a work in progress.

The idea and the new plan is for HeartThrob to create a new collection of around 100 flowers as the piolot project to launch from the AnybodyCanGetIt website while taking the next couple weeks to learn as an expert how the platform works from the curious free side to the Serious paid membership side.

The conclusion to the agreement is for AnybodyCanGetIt to sponsor FlowersOfAppreciation as they go around promoting.

He had been in touch with them via phone and messages, and they had been very supportive and helpful. They had given him some tips and resources on how to create a small project, and they had also shared some examples of other successful NFT artists and some not successful projectw. They had also asked him to send them the art via email zip fie. 

HeartThrob knows he will be working hard on his new flowers, trying to make them as beautiful and unique as possible. He has over 30 different FREE programs to used to generate different shapes, colors, patterns, and textures for his flowers, and he had also added his own touches and modifications. He had also written this blog to anounce the upcomming launch of the Polygon FlowersOfAppreciation Collection. 

During some of the time the HeartThrob was doing research and he was stressing how to make each one worth its value with what many have been calling utility. It is more like a V.A.G. Value Added Gift as flowers are more representative of a gift. 



Release day around October 1st to leverage the excitment of a new month and Halloween. A collection of 100 custom 1/1 for $20 in Polygon

501 paperwork sent in using generated funds so that the next collections are tax deductable

Guaranteed: access to all HeartThrob's Tokengated events, and exclusive blog story extras. 
Personalized Floralgraphy Horoscope , favorite flower and what it means. Repeated for favorite color.($100 service)

 Merch Discount

Getting my Brother @SiX5Beats to DJ in the Space

Special-K Glass Give-A-Way

Dyl Music

Blog Post ($100 service)
Intermediate ($0.20-$0.70 per word)
Professionals with results to show and experience in the industry. Articles may include some research and interviews. Clients are more likely to be B2B or online publishers.
  500 WORDS $100-350
1000 WORDS $200-700
1500 WORDS $300-1050

Website/ project review in my story style.  ($150+$Blog service)
Personalized Floralgraphy Horoscope , favorite flower and what it means. Repeated for favorite color.($100 service)
Custom piece of art ($75 service)



HeartThrob #FAE 
HeartThrobFAE $FAE


FOLLOW UP (NEXT STORY): a-space-for-the-future

 WITH RESPECT TO: Yaeunda and The Genius Room  LitCreations and the anybodycangetit.io Family

Twitter's X  Let's Connect

E-Com/Art Gallery; PayPal, Stripe  Resources from sales go into non-profit expenses

#objktcom #NFT #tezos $NFT  Supporting mental health & connection through Digital collectables, NFT Art



heartthrob-and-the-flowers-of-appreciation  The story of my decision to go non-profit

starting-a-non-profit  Detailed list of Expenses Starting A Non-Profit (Revised 09-01-2023)  

dollar3500-fuk-money-i-only-care-about-results  $3500 USD Needed cost to fix credit to quaify for grants and funding and cost of non-profit filing fees.

something-about-differences  A look into they way I see the overwhelming bigotry in the world today

dear-diary  A closer look into who I am and my Flowers

the-silent-killer  A story to bring #suicideawareness through the reality that most people miss the CLUES

i-tried-i-failed  A story (personal experiance) that relates to a common reason for suicide

cv-bio-and-cv  A Look into what I have learned in Web3

the-importance-of-the-purple-circle  A story showing the importaince of Connection, Family and Love

support-and-sponsorship  A story about how the extra support will help me move forward

grand-floral-rising  A story about starting a business with no resources. (Resources I found and use)

heartthrob-the-dandelion-networker  A story about overcomming trauma and creating a social network, non-profit and business.


BLOG POST 1-100 INDEX:  blog-post-1-100-index

BLOG POST 101-200 INDEX (WIP)  blog-post-101-200-index-wip


Here is a blog I did on my Thoughts and struggles on a bad day (Depression) the-last-flower


The website digiofficial.com is the official website of Digi Planet, a project that aims to conserve and rewild endangered animals through unique NFTs. NFTs are non-fungible tokens, which are digital assets that represent ownership and authenticity of various items, such as art, music, games, and collectibles. Digi Planet creates NFTs of rare and endangered animal. These NFTs are sold on various platforms, such as OpenSea, Rarible, and Foundation. A portion of the proceeds from the sales are donated to various conservation organizations, such as WWF, IUCN, and WCS.

The founders of Digi Planet are zentaurios and DigiOfficial DigiNFTs  Zentaurios is a digital artist and a wildlife enthusiast who creates the artworks for the NFTs. DigiOfficial is a software engineer and a blockchain expert who develops the smart contracts and the website for the project. They are both passionate about using technology and creativity to make a positive impact on the world.



anybodycangetit.io is a project that aims to create a platform for artificial intelligence (AI) integrations and exclusive services for the NFT (non-fungible token) community. The project is led by LitCreations88 LitCreations88 ABCGI a team of creative and passionate individuals who have experience in various fields such as music, art, gaming, and blockchain. The project has a strong social media presence OfficialABCGI, where they regularly post updates, giveaways, and events related to their project.

ducksetthediploquacks.com is a project that combines music, art, and NFTs to create a unique and immersive experience for the Duckset community. The project is led by OneLaneProductions, a group of talented and passionate musicians, producers, and artists who have been in the industry for over 20 years. TheDiploquacks has a strong social media presence on Twitter, where they regularly post updates, giveaways, and events related to their project.

By: HeartThrobFAE

Are you feeling sad, depressed or lonely? Are you having suicidal thoughts? FlowersOfAppreciation For All Energy is a US501c3 compliant non-profit charity offering peer support, mentorship & a family built community as we connect through art for the mental well-being of all.



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