Learn how HeartThrob, a šŸŒ¼dandelion with a passion for helping others, overcame his trauma and created a #nonprofit organization and a social enterprise that spread seeds of appreciation around the world. šŸŒŽ  #traumarecovery

HeartThrob: The Dandelion Networker

By: HeartThrobFAE

September 13, 2023 1:26 PM / 0 Comments Self Evolution Web3 Services Twitter Spaces NFT Art Art Gallery AMA Content Creators Web3 AI Influencer Education Web3 Community NFTs

Learn how HeartThrob, a šŸŒ¼dandelion with a passion for helping others, overcame his trauma and created a #nonprofit organization and a social enterprise that spread seeds of appreciation around the world. šŸŒŽ #traumarecovery

HeartThrob: The Dandelion Networker

HeartThrob was a dandelion who had a passion for helping others. He had a vision of creating a non-profit organization that would provide support, education, and empowerment to disadvantaged and marginalized communities. He believed that everyone deserved a chance to thrive and achieve their potential.

However, HeartThrob faced many challenges in pursuing his vision. He had no money to fund his organization, no staff to run his operations, no office to work from, and no reputation to attract donors and partners. He also had to deal with stigma, discrimination, and hostility from some people who saw him as a weed and a nuisance.

But HeartThrob did not give up. He was determined to overcome the obstacles and make his vision come true. He followed these steps to start and grow his non-profit organization with no money:

  • He leveraged his natural abilities. HeartThrob knew that he had some advantages as a dandelion. He was resilient, adaptable, and resourceful. He could survive in harsh conditions, grow in different environments, and use his parts for various purposes. He also had a unique way of spreading his seeds, which allowed him to reach more places and people.
  • He used his seeds as his marketing strategy. HeartThrob decided to use his seeds as his main tool for promoting his organization and its mission. He would attach small flyers or stickers with his logo, name, and contact information to each seed before releasing them into the air. He hoped that some of his seeds would land on fertile ground and germinate into new dandelions, who would join his cause and spread more seeds. He also hoped that some of his seeds would catch the attention of potential donors, partners, volunteers, or beneficiaries, who would contact him or visit his website for more information.
  • He created a website and a social media presence. HeartThrob knew that he needed an online platform to showcase his organization and its activities. He used free or low-cost tools and platforms to create a website and a social media account for his organization . He used his website to provide more details about his organizationā€™s vision, mission, values, goals, programs, impact, etc. He also used it to collect donations, recruit volunteers, register beneficiaries, etc. He used his social media account to share stories, photos, videos, testimonials, etc., of his organizationā€™s work and achievements. He also used it to engage with his followers, answer questions, solicit feedback, etc.
  • He networked and built relationships with other organizations and individuals. HeartThrob realized that he could not achieve his vision alone. He needed the support and collaboration of other organizations and individuals who shared his values and goals. He reached out to other non-profit organizations, social enterprises, foundations, corporations, government agencies, media outlets, celebrities, influencers, etc., who worked in similar or related fields or causes . He introduced himself and his organization, explained his purpose and objectives, expressed his interest in working together, offered his help or expertise, asked for advice or referrals, etc. He also attended events, conferences, workshops, webinars, etc., where he could meet and network with more people . He followed up with the contacts he made and maintained regular communication with them.
  • He merged with others to create synergies and opportunities. HeartThrob understood that merging with others was the new currency in the non-profit sector. He looked for opportunities to merge with other organizations or individuals who could complement or enhance his organizationā€™s strengths and capabilities. He explored different types of mergers, such as joint ventures, strategic alliances, partnerships, collaborations, etc., depending on the level of integration and commitment involved. He negotiated the terms and conditions of the mergers carefully and transparently. He ensured that the mergers were mutually beneficial and aligned with his organizationā€™s mission and values.
  • He relied on word-of-mouth and referrals to grow his organizationā€™s reach and impact. HeartThrob trusted that his organizationā€™s work and results would speak for themselves. He focused on delivering high-quality services and products to his beneficiaries and stakeholders. He also encouraged them to share their experiences and outcomes with others. He asked them to refer or recommend his organization to anyone who might need or benefit from its services or products. He also asked them to write reviews, ratings, testimonials, etc., on his website or social media account. He also rewarded them with incentives, such as discounts, coupons, freebies, etc., for their referrals.

HeartThrob worked hard and smart to overcome the challenges of having no money. He built a successful non-profit organization that fulfilled his passion and vision. He also inspired other dandelions and flowers to follow their dreams and become networkers.

The Dandelion Networker (Part 2)

HeartThrob had a big dream. He wanted to create not only a non-profit organization, but also a social enterprise that would generate income and impact for his cause. He wanted to use his skills and resources to create products and services that would benefit his beneficiaries, customers, and society.

He named his social enterprise FlowersOfAppreciation, because he wanted to show his gratitude and appreciation to everyone who supported him and his organization. He also wanted to inspire others to appreciate themselves and their potential.

He decided to create two main products for his social enterprise: greeting cards and flower arrangements. He used his artistic talents and his knowledge of flowers to design and create beautiful and meaningful cards and bouquets that would convey positive messages and emotions. He used his seeds, petals, leaves, stems, and roots as the main materials for his products, along with other natural and recycled elements. He also used his website and social media platforms to showcase and sell his products online.

He also decided to create two main services for his social enterprise: workshops and coaching. He used his educational background and his experience as a networker to design and deliver workshops and coaching sessions that would teach others how to start and grow their own non-profit organizations or social enterprises. He used his website and social media platforms to advertise and offer his services online.

He used the profits from his social enterprise to fund his non-profit organization and its programs. He also reinvested some of the profits into improving his products and services, expanding his market, hiring more staff, etc. He also donated some of the profits to other non-profit organizations or causes that he supported or partnered with.

HeartThrob was motivated by his passion and personal experiences of having to overcome trauma from the past. He had a difficult childhood, where he faced abuse, neglect, violence, and poverty. He had to fend for himself, survive on the streets, and deal with bullying, discrimination, and rejection. He had no family, friends, or mentors to guide him or support him.

He was able to overcome his trauma thanks to the help of a kind stranger who took him in, cared for him, educated him, and encouraged him. He also found solace in nature, especially in flowers, which gave him joy, hope, and inspiration. He learned to appreciate himself, his abilities, and his opportunities. He also learned to appreciate others, their differences, and their contributions.

He wanted to share his story and his lessons with others who were going through similar or worse situations. He wanted to help them overcome their trauma, heal their wounds, discover their potential, pursue their dreams, and achieve their goals. He wanted to make a difference in their lives and in the world.

He was proud of what he had accomplished so far. He had created a successful non-profit organization and a social enterprise that were making a positive impact on many people and communities. He had also created a network of supporters, collaborators, friends, and fans who admired him and his work. He had also received recognition and awards for his achievements.

But he was not satisfied yet. He wanted to do more, reach more, help more. He wanted to spread his seeds of appreciation further and wider. He wanted to create a movement of dandelions who would join him in his mission of helping others.

He was ready for the next challenge.

The end (for now).


HeartThrob #FAE 
HeartThrobFAE $FAE


WITH RESPECT TO: Yaeunda and The Genius Room  LitCreations and the anybodycangetit.io Family

Twitter's X  Let's Connect

E-Com/Art Gallery; PayPal, Stripe  Resources from sales go into non-profit expenses

#objktcom #NFT #tezos $NFT  Supporting mental health & connection through Digital collectables, NFT Art



BLOG POST 1-100 INDEX:  blog-post-1-100-index

BLOG POST 101-200 INDEX (WIP)  blog-post-101-200-index-wip


heartthrob-and-the-flowers-of-appreciation  The story of my decision to go non-profit

starting-a-non-profit  Detailed list of Expenses Starting A Non-Profit (Revised 09-01-2023)  

dollar3500-fuk-money-i-only-care-about-results  $3500 USD Needed cost to fix credit to quaify for grants and funding and cost of non-profit filing fees.

something-about-differences  A look into they way I see the overwhelming bigotry in the world today

dear-diary  A closer look into who I am and my Flowers

the-silent-killer  A story to bring #suicideawareness through the reality that most people miss the CLUES

i-tried-i-failed  A story (personal experiance) that relates to a common reason for suicide

cv-bio-and-cv  A Look into what I have learned in Web3

the-importance-of-the-purple-circle  A story showing the importaince of Connection, Family and Love

support-and-sponsorship  A story about how the extra support will help me move forward

grand-floral-rising  A story about starting a business with no resources.

heartthrob-the-dandelion-networker  A story about overcomming trauma and creating a social network, non-profit and business.



Here is a blog I did on my Thoughts and struggles on a bad day (Depression) the-last-flower


The website digiofficial.com is the official website of Digi Planet, a project that aims to conserve and rewild endangered animals through unique NFTs. NFTs are non-fungible tokens, which are digital assets that represent ownership and authenticity of various items, such as art, music, games, and collectibles. Digi Planet creates NFTs of rare and endangered animal. These NFTs are sold on various platforms, such as OpenSea, Rarible, and Foundation. A portion of the proceeds from the sales are donated to various conservation organizations, such as WWF, IUCN, and WCS.

The founders of Digi Planet are zentaurios and DigiOfficial DigiNFTs  Zentaurios is a digital artist and a wildlife enthusiast who creates the artworks for the NFTs. DigiOfficial is a software engineer and a blockchain expert who develops the smart contracts and the website for the project. They are both passionate about using technology and creativity to make a positive impact on the world.



anybodycangetit.io is a project that aims to create a platform for artificial intelligence (AI) integrations and exclusive services for the NFT (non-fungible token) community. The project is led by LitCreations88 LitCreations88 ABCGI a team of creative and passionate individuals who have experience in various fields such as music, art, gaming, and blockchain. The project has a strong social media presence OfficialABCGI, where they regularly post updates, giveaways, and events related to their project.

ducksetthediploquacks.com is a project that combines music, art, and NFTs to create a unique and immersive experience for the Duckset community. The project is led by OneLaneProductions, a group of talented and passionate musicians, producers, and artists who have been in the industry for over 20 years. TheDiploquacks has a strong social media presence on Twitter, where they regularly post updates, giveaways, and events related to their project.

By: HeartThrobFAE

Are you feeling sad, depressed or lonely? Are you having suicidal thoughts? FlowersOfAppreciation For All Energy is a US501c3 compliant non-profit charity offering peer support, mentorship & a family built community as we connect through art for the mental well-being of all.



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