

By: Sandra Abrams

May 2, 2023 2:05 AM / 1 Comments Decentralization Web3 ZentaPost Web3 Community

The most ironic thing happened today. I met a man, 72 years old, younger than me it appeared. And I did what so many others have done to me:  ageism. Yes, I said the phrases that I hear on a regular basis. You look good at your age. You are amazing. I also told him that he validated who I am today, and who I want to be tomorrow. In 10 years’ time, I want to be more like him. He was relaxed in his own skin. I don't know how to explain that, but it was a joy spending the evening with him.

I've had women 70 years old say you are so young. You have a long life ahead of you. I also have had 20-year-olds say I am amazing, and I look good at my age. So, it was not lost on me standing in front of the 72-year-old man and saying those same comments.

Over the last year people have called me many names but this most recent has made me take a step back. I realize that I have created a curriculum that is well-rounded on topics of what’s happening today, along the new technologies and now what can be seen as the basics:  NFT's, blockchain, and smart contracts.

The social media genre is changing. At one time a like, comment or follow was the norm. Now, I regularly engage on social media accounts that potentially pay me for my posts, my content. Soon Twitter will give people the option for followers to subscribe.

I engage on social media that are somewhat futuristic to some. They are open sourced, decentralized. I’m meeting some astounding people from all over the world and feel like I’m learning every post I read. The engagement is off the chain, seriously, it’s on chain.

The name I’ve been called lately is  a futurist. I never saw myself that way until now. I have dived deep down into the rabbit hole of Web 3 principles, values, and ways of being. With social media, I have been sending crypto buying posts, sending pennies as in diamonds and zaps, I’ve mirrored, staked coins, and there’s even farther for me to dive.

My curriculum has taken me from NFTs to blockchain, multi-chain, regenerative finances, augmented reality, tokenomics, cryptocurrency, ChatGPT, metaverse basics, decentralized finance, ai, decentralized social media, and current events of what’s happening around the world. I don’t consider myself a futurist.

I am in between really, futuristic actions with some areas of my life, some areas I am behind, way behind. I am a dichotomy really, not a futurist. I may be ahead of some people in this so-called Web 3 space, but I am so far behind so many more that I keep learning from every day.





By: Sandra Abrams

I have a Bachelor’s in counseling and Master’s in Nonprofit, senior citizen, sharing what I learn about today’s world and my journey through Web3. Let me help you connect.



  • Z


    empathy through experience? also, i don't think futurist is all or none, best or not best. maybe its a spectrum that anyone on it can identify with. label? hm, maybe a different thing. nice words futurist! :) - a year ago