man with hair up, glass, and some facial that is sitting in office type setting and working with a computer that has multiple monitors

Transitioning from Freelance Developer to Information Technology

By: Tree Fitty

July 29, 2024 1:55 AM / 0 Comments Jobs Web3 Skills Tech Developer Education

Web development is fun. Coding applications is both mentally stimulating and functions as a creative outlet. Transitioning to IT will keep web development fun and prevent it from feeling like work. #Web3IT Part 1

The Past

I am a full stack web developer, mostly self taught. My journey in this realm started from a business mindset. I wanted the ability to make my own sources of income online. I wanted to invent things.

Eventually, the goal is to shift to a project management type role. Knowing the in's and out's of development gives me an in-depth technical understading of this role.

The Present

Coding has lost it's fun. I was working full time and doing freelance work. The lack of time made the freelance work feel like a job. Yes, it is a job, but it was supposed to be a job doing something I love.

Don't get me wrong, I still like it, but it wasn't that exhilerating rush of creative accomplishment that it used to be. I was no longer doing it for me.

This is a reality. We do not always get to enjoy our forms of funding our lives. But this is why I pivot.

Starting Today

Starting today I am diving into information technology. Well, sort of. I already spent about eight hours studying beginner level stuff to test my interest. I then broke down the various parts of IT and researched the most in demand types of IT jobs in my area. I considered the scalability of this career path and the overlapping opportunities within the companies hiring for those positions. 

So today, I start my first course. The course I am starting with is the Microsoft IT Support Specialist Professional Certificate. I chose it because it is more knowledge then most of the entry level positions are looking for in my area. I chose it because I can branch out into the various topics of the course:

  • Networking
  • Software, Hardware, and Data Backup
  • Cyber Securtiy and Privacy
  • Microsoft 365 Ecosystem
  • AI

There is another element of this. I chose it because I have a huge perference to Apple. I have worked with AWS and Google Cloud. So I jumped into that which I know least about. Challenge accepted.

My Goals

I have about 30 years until I retire. I want to retire with $1 million. At an average of spending $100,000 a year, that means I need to earn $4 million by the time I retire. Through dedication and determination I plan to accelerate through the IT path like I have at other jobs I have had.

After landing that "enough money to live" job, I will keep learning in that area and keep advancing at work. This isn't all though.

Web development is listed as a branch of IT. I mean it is...kinda. But it's kind of like saying painters are in the same industry as museum operators.

This new perspective on a similar industry will expand my understanding of techonology. Hopefully this will give me an edge when a project management opportunity comes up.

But most importantly, I want to code for me. I want to get off work and be excited to come home and work on my own projects. I want coding to be fun. And I want to build what I want to build. I want to manage my own projects.

This is the first documentation of my journey in information technology. I will use Zentaurios to document my journey in text form. I may use a short form video platform to document it as well.

But don't worry, I'll still be in Web3. Y'all know me, still the same old Tree.

By: Tree Fitty

Full-stack dev obsessed with Next.js. Creator of Zentaurios, change, and good vibes. I am a developer, single father, and interested in building quality community. I am also available for hire in full-stack web development including Web3. Contact @Webb3Fitty on Twitter or through Zentaurios' contact form.



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