Hunting for airdrops is a good idea, especially for projects building their own network or based on Ethereum, Binance, Aptos, and Solana, Base, Zksync, and Arbitrum.

To succeed at airdrop hunting, you need to have money

By: Clinton Chidera

August 26, 2023 12:57 PM / 1 Comments

Hunting for airdrops is a good idea, especially for projects building their own network or based on Ethereum, Binance, Aptos, and Solana, Base, Zksync, and Arbitrum.

Airdrop mode has changed, as the debut of (ICO) in the blockchain realm was clearly and succinctly demonstrated. Indirect research into the methodology used to apply the idea of an initial coin offering (ICO) in the creation of a blockchain business reveals that many participants earn six figures from airdrop participation with just a dollar. Many new testnet projects creating a significant network in the blockchain community immediately adopt this strategy in order to gain more funds while building. The introduction of ICO is the reason why some projects are able to stand. I can confirm the fact that such a strategy is excellent and that it enables new potential airdrops to use it to find active participants via testnet, betanent, and mainnet.

Hunting for airdrops is a good idea, especially for projects building their own network or based on Ethereum, Binance, Aptos, and Solana, Base, Zksync, and Arbitrum.

ICO definition

An initial coin offering (ICO) is an event where a company sells a new cryptocurrency to raise money. Investors receive cryptocurrency in exchange for their financial contributions. In many ways, an ICO is the cryptocurrency version of an initial public offering (IPO) in the stock market.

Is an airdrop an ICO?

Crypto airdrops and ICOs are different concepts, even though they both involve launching new cryptocurrency projects. Airdrops don’t require any investment from participants, but an ICO is a crowdfunding method. In an ICO, the project team conducts a token sale to raise funds from investors.

Airdrop is free by definition

Wow, indeed. An airdrop is a mechanism in which a cryptocurrency project indirectly advertises its product while rewarding the participant. Such an airdrop is free and requires no investment. An airdrop is an unsolicited distribution of a cryptocurrency token or coin, usually for free, to numerous wallet addresses.
Airdrop is free, and its goal is free, but please consider the educational learning involved in learning about its origin, aim, and teams. The introduction of ICO served as the foundation for new projects. Since we dedicated our time to understanding the protocol’s development, engaging in its test net, betanet, mainnet, including swapping, bridging, adding pool, providing liquidity, and also minting its NFT, we have an interest in and faith in our speculation to earn.

Users complete one or more online tasks to qualify for receiving the airdrop at a later date. Assets are automatically distributed to token-holders of a given asset, provided the wallet has a minimum balance on the relevant blockchain on which the airdrop takes place.

However, many of us continue to believe that a faucet has been added for usage during the participation process. There is a faucet in the testnet participation process, but can we use it to test and conduct transactions during the beta and mainnet phases?
I hope the response is not.
This is the reason some people didn’t initially receive an Arbirum airdrop.

What to believe before participating in an airdrop

The amount of money a project raises during funding impacts who will believe in and support it. We research a project’s funding source and its investors before engaging. This brought us into the spotlight and gave us access to the network’s introduction and engagement strategies.
Though speculation is the operative word, our faith truly led us to believe in the project through regular follow-up and product updates to community involvement. By gaining an understanding of the network’s nature and what is about to be released, we engage in involvement here.

Our time, consistent use of the testnet, betanet, and mainnet, and our capital to acquire more units and points through the mainnet swap, bridge, pools, and liquidity processes are how we invest to earn toward this process.
By focusing their efforts on the potential future of earning the potential airdrop, funding, and project investors strengthen and inspire hunters to trust in the project. “Good investments pay off over time.”

For example, the current ongoing airdrops from Zksync, Venom, Polygon, Zkvem, Aptos, Metamask, Altlayer, Smartlayer, Quai, Scroll, Base, Script Network, Zetachain, Tabi, Unstoppable, and Starknet raised a combined total of $450 million and $2 billion, respectively.
All of this is speculative, but the expectation is enormous, as some alpha educators constantly emphasize, with a $0 initial commitment and a $2000 anticipation.

This is significant, and I can attest that it is worthwhile for you to investigate the world of airdrop participation. This paragraph provides an overview of why, given the nature of the ICO introduction, we need funding to participate in the testnet. These are yet another factor for accumulating points for potential airdrops.
The nature of using money to participate in a project’s mainnet testing and generate points for a potential airdrop was introduced by the ICO.

Why would someone take part in an airdrop?

A large number of people will respond at this time by working hard to change their financial situations. Yes, but the major driver and goal of the project is to develop a sizable network within the Blockchain community and do the necessary testing for the financial sector. This testing is entirely instructional and designed to help students understand the network’s structure and operation (Curriculum => Scheme of Work). The researcher or hunter can learn and explore this approach as an open source.

Participating in an airdrop launching project has two goals: making money and learning about the history and operation of the project network. At this point, the tester may provide some expertise about how to grasp the blockchain network’s function. This method allows you to learn something new.

In summary,

In order to be included in community updates, such as those that always take place in Discord, Twitter, and Telegram where the mod highlights current news before making it public in the media space, airdrop requires regular engagement and follow-up.
By using your digital money to test how successful, efficacious, and relevant the project is to the blockchain community and to the global market, you may gain more points and aim for bigger returns from those projects.

By: Clinton Chidera

An open-minded individual open to learning and sharing positive thinking, a writer exposing the world of cryptocurrency, and a cryptocurrency lover (web 3.0) movement. (Product designer, content creator, and intermediate web developer.

