Diving down the rabbit hole of AI

Deep Dive into AI & Prompts

By: Sandra Abrams

May 21, 2023 5:39 PM / 0 Comments Web3 Community ZentaPost AI

let's talk prompts and AI, art applications, the best practices for prompting.

A DEEP DIVE INTO AI & PROMPTS I just spent the day diving deep down the prompt engineering rabbit hole. The information that I want to convey may sound odd, but did you know artificial intelligence is just math equations? We look at it as having a “brain”- it’s just neural networks. The basic explanation of artificial intelligence alleviated my fears. It was a breakthrough, like “I should have had a V-8.” If you know that reference, you understand the doorway I opened to understanding the different applications of AI. I admit when I initially completed the research, I felt like a super prompt engineer, that I was ready to tackle ChatGPT4, DALLE, and Midjourney. The overwhelming fears were gone as I wrote notes as fast as I could. I still write out notes, however, I left paper behind and use The Remarkable tablet, it feels like you’re writing but it’s a tablet with integration capabilities. I can download files and upload what I’ve written. I still have notebooks and journals but The Remarkable is a fabulous way to write. The applications of AI are endless. I know the basics of prompt engineering for all the fore-mentioned sites. I am reeling from how simple project engineering is once you understand the basics of prompting. Come along for the ride for exclusive how to use prompts. What is a prompt? It is instructions you input into the computer. A prompt can be a simple question. The results can be a long or short summary answer to the question. The specificity is what results in the most accurate results desired. In simple terms, you want to be clear and specific, making your question or statement easy to understand. Also put in enough information for the AI to return the response you want. You don’t want to add extra information that doesn’t pertain to the subject. Keep it short and to the point, be concise. Be clear in the information without flowering it up. You can have AI ask you questions to get more exact information and you can also ask it open-ended questions. Rather than asking questions that result in a yes or no, open-ended questions can result in a more detailed and specific response. Avoid entering your opinions. Your biases can lead the AI to a particular response. Being neutral can elicit more objective answers. Prompts can be for information, asking questions like “What is AI?” This is a vague question that will bring a long summary which you may be reading for hours. You might start by asking it to outline What AI is in four categories. The results are specific and easy to decipher in moving forward with a particular blog or short statement. Prompts used in the art applications are like the text type of AI with results being images. There are detailed values and commands that can be entered for the desired results. The text is concise with the value degrees changing in scale for the results desired. In art prompts there are style specific prompts along with different practices that can be used to focus on specific parts of an image. The possibilities are endless. The creative process has been expanded to a whole new level. I will discuss specific types of prompts for art application next week. Be fabulous and have a wonderful week. Sandra

By: Sandra Abrams

I have a Bachelor’s in counseling and Master’s in Nonprofit, senior citizen, sharing what I learn about today’s world and my journey through Web3. Let me help you connect.



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