In the center of the screen there is a title that says "Blog Talk.' Below the title the image says "Tuesdays at 8PM EST. Hosted by Webb3Fitty." Behind the text is a background that looks like a ripped piece of paper, a note. Surrounding that, and probably 80% of the image is a group of people all looking towards the word "Blog." They appear to be in a modern room in a building in an urban area.

Blog Talk

By: Tree Fitty

December 7, 2023 4:09 AM / 0 Comments Content Creators ZentaNewsDesk Web3 Community Twitter Spaces ZentaPost

Introducing Blog Talk, a weekly social audio club to share and talk about community submitted blogs.

Blog Talk is BYOB, bring your own blog. But bring enough to share because that is the purpose.

The Purpose of Blog Talk

The purpose of Blog Talk is to gather as a community to talk about the blogs we write. One by one, speakers can share a blog to the Space on X (Twitter). The other speakers will give feedback.

Blog Feedback

Feedback can be mostly anything you ask for about your blog. Some users may want feedback on writing style. Some users may want feedback on the story. Some users may want feedback on the content of their blog.

Blogs as Content Updates

Many bloggers use blogs to keep their readers updated on what is happening in the theme of their blogging brand. It is okay to share blogs to deliver content.

However, be ready for some feedback on the delivery of that content, or, maybe even the content itself. 👀

The Flow of Blog Talk

Blog talk will open with a brief introduction. From there, as speakers come to the stage a queue will be noted.

If someone wishes to share a blog, they can do so in the order they first appear in the speaker panel. It is not required to share a blog to be a speaker.

When it is someone's turn to speak, they may share to the room an X post with a link to their blog.

This speaker, if sharing a blog, can introduce the blog and share what type of feedback they are looking for on the blog.

Speakers, if they wish, can read their blog out loud.

The other speakers will then share feedback.

Blog Talk is relaxed but this outline paints an overall image of how it will go with the flow.

The Goal of Blog Talk

Finding readers can be dificult. Which platfrom should I be on? Where do I share my blog? How do I get feedback on my blog?

The goal of Blog Talk is to build community around blogging and sharing. From there, whether you blog on Medium, HackerNoon, have your own site, whatever, you can share your blog to the community.

The Blog Talk Schedule

Blog Talk will be every Tuesday at 8pm EST. The weekly event should last about one hour. Each week the link to the new event will be shared below:

Or, to stay updated, just follow me, Tree Fitty, @Webb3Fitty on X.

I hope to see you at Blog Talk!

By: Tree Fitty

Full-stack dev obsessed with Next.js. Creator of Zentaurios, change, and good vibes. I am a developer, single father, and interested in building quality community. I am also available for hire in full-stack web development including Web3. Contact @Webb3Fitty on Twitter or through Zentaurios' contact form.



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