All Things Media, New & "Old"

All Things Media, New & "Old"

By: Sandra Abrams

May 7, 2023 11:03 PM / 0 Comments ZentaPost Web3 Self Evolution Web3 Community

As I dive into different rabbit holes, one thing is clear, everything intertwines. Web 2 technologies and Web3 technologies combined catapult us into the world we are experiencing today and what we can only imagine for tomorrow. I am learning different medias and want to share what’s happening with you, as I understand things.

I will admit I’ve spread myself thin. Who knew I’d be in the thick of decentralized social medias along with all the older medias I post content on. I could list them all but that would end up being the whole blog, really, no, seriously.

Besides keeping up with the tasks I do for Onboard60 and Server Samm, I have been slammed at the restaurant on a nightly basis now for a solid week. By Monday morning, I was spent. All I could do was hold the phone up in front of my face and do a TikTok stating that I was taking the day off. And I did.

I was so drained that all I could muster was one google meet and a day vegetating on the beach. My initial steps into the cool, clear water were magical, the ocean never looked and felt so perfect. The waves were dancing forcefully and gently simultaneously towards me.

I welcomed the refreshing crash of water against my body, I let go. I stood in the ocean looking out towards the crisp cobalt blue horizon with the closer sky-blue water swaying in the distance.

The occasional commercial fishing boat, you know the ones. They take you and your friends out for the afternoon. You eat, drink, laugh, listen to good music and sometimes catch fish. The one kite boarder taking advantage of the strong winds out in the distance gliding ever so gracefully.

This day, beach day, was what I needed, the self-care guaranteed to heal anything that needed healing. I was relaxed, felt at peace and ready to organize myself for the week.


I do admit it’s been an adventure with lots of trepidation learning these new medias. I’m not on some of my usual platforms that have thousands of followers as much as I have been. One, Twitter, I barely go on except for the occasional space. I will tweet good morning sometimes but mostly like others who tweet. I post the occasional funny fubar of the day and the cat pictures on Saturdays. I seem to not engage in the thick of the Web3 - Crypto world on Twitter.

I seem to gravitate to Lenster, Orb, Phaver, Damus (Nostr), Geneva and Entre. All of these medias are geared towards monetizing posts. Lenster collects (buying a post) becomes an NFT. My domain name, my Lens account, is an NFT. I have offers regularly to buy it.

On Phaver you stake tokens on posts you like; this platform has not monetized the coins, so you get 5 free coins a day to stake. It is connected to Lens, most on Phaver have a Lens account but not all on Phaver do, it is connected to the Lens ecosystem. Orb doesn’t have coins but has other benefits as you can listen to music videos. it is also connected to Lens. All three interact as all your post go to all three platforms. I do not have all the same followers on each platform, some I have more than others and some are on two or three. The exposure of one post all across the Lens ecosystem is different than what you have with Twitter, not to mention the monetization.

Damus, the Nostr social media has zaps you can send, actual satoshis, money to people’s post. There is also music, live “spaces” on current events and you can post pictures and videos, encrypted, I might add.

Lenster, similar to Twitter, works best on the computer, not on the phone. People can mirror (retweet) or collect (buy) your post. You can also sell your posts. You can have a referral fee (%) paid to someone who mirrors & or collects/ mirror your posts to encouraging reposts. As I said your one post goes out on all platforms.

Onboard60 TikTok has become time consuming for me. Once I gained 26K followers the week of March 14,2023, seemingly overnight, I wasn’t sure the direction to take.

I stopped the consistent good morning videos, they just became too much but after 1 solid year, it served its initial purpose. I started doing the good morning videos so I would get out of bed, that’s it, it was my motivation to wake up and get moving.

For the longest I did educational videos and also lip-syncing videos with messages on screen to match the songs or contrast them. I would do the occasional news type style TikTok. I slipped away from sharing what was happening, sharing my journey, the joys, stuck points, frustrations and accomplishments. I think it’s time to bring those back.

The Onboard60 account has had no direction since March 14, 2023, my viral Rocky Horror Picture Show TikTok, my angry response to someone commenting, questioning my sexuality. That video catapulted my account to a different category, and I haven’t had the desire to start a new account (as I was advised by this TikTok god). I have been flailing posting random things, all over the place really with stabs to getting back on track.

My YouTube Shorts channel, Web3 For Seniors may have 20 subscribers but no views. After posting Web3 vocabulary and the educational videos, about 80, over the last 9 months, I started posting random videos on the channel.

During this time, I discovered LensTube. A decentralized YouTube with potential of monetizing my content. It was my chance to post content I wanted, my art (altered photos), the moon, the ocean for no reason, no message, no educational value, just fabulous freeing fun videos and get paid. I have been gravitating to LensTube more and more. The videos people post are fabulous, interesting, and beautiful. The music videos are great too.

Lensport is the marketplace for the videos, videos that are NFTs, for sale. Yeah! My posts, some videos that I put a price on with the collect option can earn money on the Lensport marketplace. It’s just another site to make money on social media naturally, just by being you and posting stuff. Inter-connectedness.


I do need to get back to a quasi-routine and a structure for posting on TikTok. I am formulating what I need to do and will use TikTok in a more useful way for both the Onboard60 and the Server Samm accounts.

It is what it is. In some areas I’m far in front and in others I’m just beginning, and in other areas I’m way behind. What’s new, right?

Thanks for reading about this new world I’ve immersed myself in, just another rabbit hole.

Be fabulous and have a ya ya yay sababa kinda week,





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By: Sandra Abrams

I have a Bachelor’s in counseling and Master’s in Nonprofit, senior citizen, sharing what I learn about today’s world and my journey through Web3. Let me help you connect.



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