Sandra Abrams
Onboard60, founder

AI & Healthcare

By: Sandra Abrams

October 31, 2023 8:25 AM / 0 Comments

Aging is inevitable. How well you age depends on you and now Artificial Intelligence (AI). Read the ways AI tools are enhancing healthcare and aging. It's not how old you are today, it's how old will you be in twenty, thirty, years and will you be prepared?

I've been focused for close to two years now on wanting senior citizens to get onboard the Web3 train. What is that? It's keeping up to date with technology and pertinent information for senior citizens to stay a part of today's world being active participants in daily life, whereas, staying connected with family and being included in what's happening today.

I have discussed nonfungible tokens, regenerative finance, blockchain technology, smart contracts and so much more. I have been learning and since created a few virtual reality spaces, you know, spatial computing, the metaverse. I have promoted the idea of senior citizen documents on chain to be transparent where everyone sees but can not be altered.

I recently embarked on new technologies for senior citizen healthcare. This article will introduce you to the world of smart wearables and smart home monitoring systems. Both allow senior citizens to have independence longer which in turn gives a better quality of life in the present and the future.

As the population ages, healthcare is looking to provide innovative solutions to aid in the independence and well-being of older adults. The focus is on better quality of life. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics offer the technologies to address the aging population. I want to dive into how senior citizens can use AI tools in healthcare and how healthcare is using AI tools as a diagnostic method.

Let's look at wearable smart devices such as wristbands or rings. These smart wearables can record heart rate, sleep patterns,stress and anxiety levels. AI can provide real time analysis, detect early warning signs, and provide personal level of care in real time. AI virtual consultations, treatment planning and reccomendations are done without leaving your home. Once considered telemedicine has moved to the virtual space.

 Pill boxes that hold medications can remind senior citizens to take their medications, the correct dosage and or record when medicines are not taken.

 AI tool algorithyms are useful in so many ways. They can anazlyze large amounts of data from medical images, electronic health records and other sources to learn patterns and make predictions about a senior citizen's health. One example is early detection of heart disease providing earlier treatment and intervention. Being able to analyze behavior patterns and see the state of the heart at the present time with predictive data may one day save your life. Several areas of elderly healthcare can be included to monitor data and understand the progression of many diseases including heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer's.

The global challenge of population aging necessitates urgent and innovative solutions to support older adults independence and better quality of life. AI tools have the potential to improve the health and well-being of senior citizens if implemented. Proactive care is crucial. A virtual assistant can assure appointments are made, medications taken and even order groceries. Considering the limited human resources, virtual assistants can provide opportunities for senior citizens to maintain their independence longer in their own home. there are healthcare companies that use computers, apps or other digital communication to record medical data. As the data is collected, it can be analyzed and used for early intervention and proactive care.

Smart home monitoring systems can integrate with AI tools adapting to a senior citizen's routine. Think voice activated Alexa, assisting in various tasks as turning lights off and on, adjusting room temperature, and ordering groceries. Integrated with smart wearables, these AI tools can detect vital sign abnormalities, alerting family and caregivers in real time. AI technologies have the potential to improve the healthand well-being of senior citizens by providing efficient and personalized monitored care, promoting independent living and reducing health costs. RingConn, a wearable smart ring takes vitals. QuietCare is an AI based monitoring system that uses motion detection to aleet caregivers of any abnormalities in movement or lack thereof or falling accidents. Mobu, an AI virtual assitant, allows users to seek medical advice through a plethora of interfaces. AI powered health monitoring systems can provide an added layer to senior care and promote independent living longer. AI powered health monitoring systems have the potential to revolutionize elderly care by helping senior citizens live independently while receiving the support they need. AI technology can improve health monitoring, promote independent living, provide cognitive assitance and foster social engagement.

 AI powered health monitoring systems can detect potential health issues early, allowing for prompt intervention and reducing the risks of adverse events. This can lead to fewer hospitalizations and emergency room visits, which can result in significant cost savings. As the aging population grows, it is crucial to continue exploring the potential of AI to improve the lives of senior citizens. Ask yourself, how old will you be in ten, twenty or thirty years and if you will embrace technology today for a better quality of life tomorrow?

 I wear a smart wearable ring. It has my heart rate, stress and anxiety levels, how active I am and my sleep patterns. This information enables me to set up not only a morning routine but a nightly routine, be aware of my stress and anxiety level while in different situations and notify me when I need to get active. It is useful to stay informed of what is happening right now and being developed for the future. I predict that if used correctly, senior citizens can have alonger, healthier life with longer spans of independence. I for one am onboardthe Web3 train for senior citizens to stay active, healthy, and independently part of society. What types of things do you dee that may be useful to you now or in the near future to enhance your own quality of life through Artificial Intelligence tools?

Thank you for reading,

Sandra Abrams Onboard60 founder

By: Sandra Abrams

I have a Bachelor’s in counseling and Master’s in Nonprofit, senior citizen, sharing what I learn about today’s world and my journey through Web3. Let me help you connect.



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