2023 WEB3, Metaverse, & NFT'S Business Strategy 2023 PLAYBOOK

2023 WEB3, Metaverse, & NFT'S Business Strategy 2023 PLAYBOOK

By: Yaeunda Pou Williams

December 4, 2022 2:24 PM / 1 Comments Education ZentaNewsDesk MetaverseNews Airdrops AI Doge Twitter Spaces Polkadot

I am asked what will 2023 Bring for the Metaverse, Web 3, & NFT’s?

Since April 2022 I spent time on Twitter Spaces daily hosting a recorded podcast Monday - Friday at 6 am EST. “It was just me and I had to cheer myself on to get started and record in a lonely space. I did it and now we have just under 4,000 followers. We’ve created hours of content, solutions, and speak to weekly 4,000k to 10,000k listeners per month and friends. Web3 Trust Network and growing.

My roadmap of building WEB3 success was my 2022 KEY LEARNINGS. Now I’m sharing how with you your 2023 PLAYBOOK FOR METAVERSE, WEB3, NFTS

2023 Web3 NFT’S & Metaverse Success Strategies PLAYBOOK


  1. Security Building - 2022 felt like a record year of Rugged NFT projects (Terra Luna, FTX . Investor certainty and Trust is the core foundation around this necessary risk category. Investor Education, Audit oversight, public state of address or state of union speeches will become the norm. Investors will need trusted Web 3.0 advisors, coaches, and a team of confidants that know blockchain, cryptocurrency, protocols, metaverse and NFTS. It will be important that the Web3 Trust Network be leveraged as Subject Matter Experts, as your ONE STOP SHOP solution Network.


  2. Team Building - Founders, Teams, - It’s time to build in your professional development and systems to keep up with current trends, training, and roadmap compliance. See teams will have clear strategies around investor relations, building the strengths of the team, building a talent pipeline, and Performa management. Teams will need to take their web2 business point of entry plan to web3. Teams should create a weekly cadence of accountability to ensure milestones are on target. Every person on the team should have a Joint Venture Agreement (JV). You should have a solid Go-to-market strategy and should work with a coach, mentor or business partner to establish Milestones. For companies that need support they should reach out to the Web3 Trust Network.


  3. Community Building - Have you decided where your community is going to Meet up and become raving fans for your project? Will you use social media platforms. Video conferencing systems, create a podcast and push information to your community or will you create a website and have your community pull the information. Do you understand how to engage with community managers, content creators, moderators, host and co-host for social listening, event management, and social media platforms? How often will you engage with your community?


  4. Networking Events Scaling - In real like (IRL) EVENTS, conferences, webinars, immersive experiences, meet ups, streaming podcasts, community engagement, airdrops of NFT’S, products, services, events, and social impact. Create a safety plan around large crowds to mitigate liability. Look at ticketed events oppose to randomizing in person events.


  5. Onboarding - This is the MOST important Tip around! You have to THINK about mitigating the barriers to entry. My number one rule is DON’T GO INTO THE METAVERSE ALONE! Why? Do you know what to do when you get there, I mean the metaverse? There’s information like Wallets (Cold, Hot), how to make money in web3, how to stay safe when onboarding, how to buy NFT’S, what goals do you have to for your project that involves your community? Start your coaching Journey here: https://everythingmetaverses.com/u/everythingmetaverses/collection/b47d80ee-551c-40bc-9215-5a356f8fe39c

    Follow me for more Metaverse, NFT, WEB3 & coaching. Start by subscribing to here first then join our communities!


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By: Yaeunda Pou Williams

I am a Metaverse & Web3 Coach, Mentor, and Partner. Metaverse Tour Guides We support communities, people, and companies with support to sustain the Digital Transformation. We provide access to independent business coaches, mentors, and business partners to build the future. Full scale support team for compliance in technology to build and sustain tomorrow's infrastructure and innovation. I'm available on a consulting basis to support you and your mindset towards innovation.



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    0 to 4,000 followers, Wow! EverythingMetaverses, Web3 Water Down Queen, and #TwitterSpaces star! - 2 years ago