Time Management Tips for Web3 Business Mamas

Time Management Tips for Web3 Business Mamas

By: Decentral Mamas

April 5, 2023 12:30 PM / 0 Comments Web3 Services Cronos Self Evolution Web3 Business Web3 Community

Hey there, fellow web3 business mamas, or those who are considering the path! I know you're busy juggling a million tasks at once - from running (or planning) your own company to keeping your little ones alive and kicking. It's tough balancing both worlds, but it's also incredibly fulfilling. As someone who's been in your shoes, and still going, I want to share some of my top time management tips to help you create a sanity-saving routine that works for you and your family... but remember, it's not a perfect science.


Embrace the Power of Planning

I know planning can sound like a drag, but it's actually one of the most effective ways to get things done. Make a to-do list at the start of each day, sectioning off specific tasks into time slots, based on the schedule that works for you and your little ones. To help with this, as well as ensure all areas of the business get their needed attention, go a step further and have a basic guideline of a schedule for the week or month (see mine below). Seeing everything written down will help you stay on track and prevent tasks from being neglected. Even better, invest in a planner or time-management software to keep all of your plans in one place. Trust me, it's worth it!





Say Goodbye to Time Wasters

This one is a tough one, because they provide us comfort, but also because in web3 and in business, we often have to be connected at what feels like "all times". Social media, Netflix, and online shopping are all great time wasters. It's so easy to get sucked into a social media black hole or a TV show and lose track of time. If you want to increase productivity, you have to be strict with your time. Implement a time limit for recreational activities or find ways to cut them out altogether if possible. By doing so, you'll find more time to focus on important tasks.


Delegate and Outsource

This one is crucial, ladies. As the saying goes, "You can do anything, but you can't do everything." It's okay to ask for help, whether it's getting your partner to handle school pick-up (if you have a partner) or hiring a virtual assistant to handle the administrative tasks. This can also include using the various AI tools that are up and coming, to help get through your tasks easier and quicker. Remember, delegating and outsourcing is not a sign of weakness but rather a way to maximize your time and energy to focus on what really matters.


Stay Organized

Nothing kills productivity like clutter and disorganization, because if you're anything like me, as you're working, that mountain of clothes that needs to be folded and put away, or those dishes in the sink has you thinking "I should really just get it done" rather than focusing on the business task that needs attention. So, attempt to keep a clean workspace, dedicate certain spots in your home for job-specific tasks, and try to stay on top of household chores. Bahahaha even as I write this one, I know it's true, but one that is crazy tough. Parenting while running a business, makes for little time to clean and stay organized, but it is something that will help. Trust me; a tidy environment can do wonders for your motivation and mental clarity.


Take Time for Yourself and Things That Matter

Having a clear schedule for the day and attempting to stick to it (the best you can) makes all the difference. Set aside hours of the day that are specific for work/business, hours that are specific to parenting and a little time in there somewhere that is time for yourself. With all of the craziness of family and work responsibilities, we often forget to take care of ourselves. That is why self-care is a reoccurring point in most of my blogs, because it's just so necessary and something that we mamas often don't do. So Mama, carve out time to do things you enjoy or even to relax and unwind, even if it's just a few mins at a time. You'll come back to your work stronger and more centered, ultimately leading to more efficiency in your day-to-day life.


To all the business mamas out there, I hope that these tips will help you manage your time and workload more effectively. Remember, you're amazing for doing all that you do, so don't forget to give yourself some credit! At the end of the day, finding a balance between work and family life can be incredibly challenging and sometimes even a little messy, but it's not impossible. With the right mindset and a bit of effort, you can achieve success on both fronts while staying true to yourself.

By: Decentral Mamas

Onboarding, educating and support women in web 3 and in business! Designed with the struggling single mom in mind, built for everyone.



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