Two friends with magic cookie jars. Sharing is caring.

22)The Magic Cookie Jar

By: HeartThrobFAE

June 16, 2023 10:32 AM / 0 Comments Web3 Content Creators Art Gallery Influencer AI Web3 Community

The Magic Cookie Jar is a story about two friends, Mia and Lily, who have magic cookie jars that always have cookies inside. They learn to share their cookies with others and spread kindness and generosity to everyone they meet. Their cookies make people happy and inspire them to be kind and generous too. Mia and Lily’s magic cookie jars change their town and their world for the better.

The Magic Cookie Jar

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved cookies. She had a magic cookie jar that always had her favorite cookies inside. Whenever she wanted a cookie, she would say “Cookie jar, cookie jar, give me a cookie please” and the jar would open and give her a cookie. Lily was very happy with her magic cookie jar and never shared it with anyone.

One day, Lily met a new friend who also loved cookies.

Her name was Mia and she was new in town. She sat next to Lily in class and they soon became friends. Mia told Lily that she liked cookies too, especially chocolate chip ones. Lily smiled and said that she had a magic cookie jar that always had chocolate chip cookies inside. Mia was amazed and asked if she could see it. Lily agreed and invited Mia to her house after school.

When they got to Lily's house, Lily showed Mia her cookie jar.

Lily took Mia to her room and pointed to a colorful jar on her shelf. “That’s my magic cookie jar,” she said proudly. “It always has cookies inside. Watch this.” She said the magic words and the jar opened. A delicious smell of chocolate chip cookies filled the air. Lily took out a cookie and ate it. “Mmm, so good,” she said. Mia looked at the jar with wonder and asked, “Can I have one too?” Lily hesitated. She didn’t want to share her magic cookie jar with anyone, not even her new friend.

Lily said yes and gave Mia a cookie.

Lily decided to be generous and share her magic cookie jar with Mia. She said yes and gave Mia a cookie. Mia thanked her and took a bite. “Wow, this is the best cookie ever,” she said. “Thank you so much, Lily. You’re a great friend.” Lily smiled and felt happy. She realized that sharing her cookie jar with Mia was more fun than keeping it to herself. She said, “You’re welcome, Mia. I’m glad you like it. Do you want another one?” Mia nodded and they both had another cookie. They laughed and talked and enjoyed their cookies together. They became the best of friends and shared many more cookies from the magic cookie jar.

Lily wanted to surprise Mia with a special gift. She asked the cookie jar, “Can you make another cookie jar for my new friend?” The cookie jar said, “Of course I can. I’m a magic cookie jar after all. But you have to do something for me first.” Lily asked, “What do you want me to do?” The cookie jar said, “You have to promise to always share your cookies with others and never be selfish again.” Lily agreed and said, “I promise. I learned my lesson today. Sharing is caring.” The cookie jar said, “Very well. Here you go.” The jar opened and a smaller cookie jar came out. It looked exactly like the original one, except it had Mia’s name on it. Lily took the cookie jar and gave it to Mia. Mia was overjoyed and hugged Lily. She said, “Thank you so much, Lily. This is the best gift ever. You’re the best friend ever.” Lily said, “You’re welcome, Mia. I’m happy to share my magic with you. You’re the best friend ever too.” They both smiled and hugged each other. They had two magic cookie jars and one friendship that would last forever.

Mia and Lily decided to use their magic cookie jars to spread joy and kindness to everyone they met. They took their cookie jars with them wherever they went and offered cookies to anyone who looked sad, lonely, hungry or bored. They gave cookies to their classmates, teachers, neighbors, friends and strangers. They gave cookies to the mailman, the bus driver, the librarian and the cashier. They gave cookies to the homeless, the sick, the elderly and the children. They gave cookies to the animals, the plants, the stars and the moon. They gave cookies to everyone and everything.

Everyone who received a cookie from Mia and Lily felt happy and grateful. They thanked them and complimented them on their delicious cookies. They asked them where they got their cookie jars and how they made such wonderful cookies. Mia and Lily told them about their magic cookie jars and how they always had cookies inside. They also told them about their promise to share their cookies with others and never be selfish again. They said that sharing their cookies made them happy too.

Mia and Lily’s kindness and generosity inspired others to be kind and generous too. People who received cookies from them started to share their own things with others. They shared their food, clothes, toys, books and money. They shared their time, skills, talents and knowledge. They shared their smiles, hugs, compliments and gratitude. They shared their love, joy, peace and hope. They shared everything they had and everything they were.

Soon, the whole town was filled with kindness and generosity. Everyone was happy and friendly. Everyone helped each other and cared for each other. Everyone respected each other and appreciated each other. Everyone was a friend to everyone else.

Mia and Lily were very proud of what they had done. They realized that their magic cookie jars were not just for making cookies, but for making a difference. They decided to keep giving cookies to everyone until the whole world was as happy as their town. They knew that it would take a long time and a lot of cookies, but they were ready for the challenge. They had two magic cookie jars and one mission that would last forever.


HeartThrob #FAE 
HeartThrobFAE $FAE


 WITH RESPECT TO: Yaeunda and The Genius Room

BLOG POST 23:the-golden-apple

Twitter's X  Let's Connect

E-Com/Art Gallery; PayPal, Stripe  Resources from sales go into non-profit expenses

#objktcom #NFT #tezos $NFT  Supporting mental health & connection through Digital collectables, NFT Art


MOST IMPORTAINT BLOGS:  heartthrob-and-the-flowers-of-appreciation


Here is a blog I did on my Thoughts and struggles on a bad day (Depression) the-last-flower


The website is the official website of Digi Planet, a project that aims to conserve and rewild endangered animals through unique NFTs. NFTs are non-fungible tokens, which are digital assets that represent ownership and authenticity of various items, such as art, music, games, and collectibles. Digi Planet creates NFTs of rare and endangered animal. These NFTs are sold on various platforms, such as OpenSea, Rarible, and Foundation. A portion of the proceeds from the sales are donated to various conservation organizations, such as WWF, IUCN, and WCS.

The founders of Digi Planet are zentaurios and DigiOfficial DigiNFTs  Zentaurios is a digital artist and a wildlife enthusiast who creates the artworks for the NFTs. DigiOfficial is a software engineer and a blockchain expert who develops the smart contracts and the website for the project. They are both passionate about using technology and creativity to make a positive impact on the world.


SPONSOR/COLLABORATIONS: is a project that aims to create a platform for artificial intelligence (AI) integrations and exclusive services for the NFT (non-fungible token) community. The project is led by LitCreations88 LitCreations88 ABCGI a team of creative and passionate individuals who have experience in various fields such as music, art, gaming, and blockchain. The project has a strong social media presence OfficialABCGI, where they regularly post updates, giveaways, and events related to their project.

#DucksetOverEverything is a project that combines music, art, and NFTs to create a unique and immersive experience for the Duckset community. The project is led by OneLaneProductions, a group of talented and passionate musicians, producers, and artists who have been in the industry for over 20 years. TheDiploquacks has a strong social media presence on Twitter, where they regularly post updates, giveaways, and events related to their project.

By: HeartThrobFAE

Are you feeling sad, depressed or lonely? Are you having suicidal thoughts? FlowersOfAppreciation For All Energy is a US501c3 compliant non-profit charity offering peer support, mentorship & a family built community as we connect through art for the mental well-being of all.



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