A lush green garden with a stone statue of a woman in the center. The statue is surrounded by lime green lady’s mantle plants that contrast with the gray stone. The garden has a variety of flowers and trees, creating a colorful and natural scene. The sky is blue with some white clouds.

20) The Garden of Dreams

By: HeartThrobFAE

June 14, 2023 11:29 AM / 0 Comments Art Gallery AI Web3 Influencer Content Creators

Mira is a lonely and bored girl who loves to dream. She finds a talking flower named Zara in her aunt’s garden. Zara comes from a world of magic and takes Mira there. Mira is amazed and curious about the new world.

The Garden of Dreams

Mira was a dreamer. She loved to imagine all kinds of wonderful things, like flying on a dragon, exploring a hidden temple, or meeting a fairy prince. She often wished that her dreams would come true, but she knew that they were only fantasies.

She lived with her aunt and uncle in a small cottage on the edge of a forest. They were kind to her, but they didn’t understand her. They thought she was too old to play with dolls and books, and they wanted her to help them with the chores and the farm. They didn’t have much money, and they couldn’t afford to send her to school or buy her new clothes or toys.

Mira felt lonely and bored most of the time. She had no friends to talk to or play with. The only place where she felt happy was the garden behind the cottage. It was a small patch of land, but it was full of flowers and herbs that Mira’s aunt grew for medicine and cooking. Mira liked to sit among the plants and smell their fragrances, watch the bees and butterflies, and listen to the birds.

She also liked to make up stories about the garden. She pretended that each flower had a name and a personality, that each herb had a magic power, and that each animal was her friend. She gave them voices and dialogues, and acted out scenes with them. She imagined that the garden was a secret kingdom, where she was the princess and protector.

She called it the Garden of Dreams.

One day, as she was playing in the garden, she noticed something strange. There was a new flower growing in the corner, where there used to be only weeds. It was a large purple blossom with yellow spots and green stripes. It looked like nothing she had ever seen before.

She approached it cautiously and touched one of its petals. It felt soft and silky, like velvet. She leaned closer and sniffed it. It smelled sweet and spicy, like cinnamon and honey.

She smiled and said: “Hello, little flower. What’s your name?”

To her surprise, the flower answered: “Hello, little girl. My name is Zara.”

Mira gasped and jumped back. She looked around, but there was no one else in the garden.

“Did you just talk?” she asked.

“Yes, I did,” Zara said.

“But how? You’re a flower!”

“And you’re a human. What’s your point?”

Mira was speechless. She had never met a talking flower before.

“Are you real?” she asked.

“Of course I’m real,” Zara said. “Are you?”

Mira nodded slowly.

“Then we’re both real,” Zara said.

Mira felt a surge of curiosity and excitement.

“Where did you come from?” she asked.

“I came from another world,” Zara said.

“Another world? What do you mean?”

“I mean a world that is different from yours. A world where magic exists.”

“Magic? Like in fairy tales?”

“Something like that.”

Mira’s eyes widened.

“Wow! That sounds amazing! Can you tell me more about it?”

Zara smiled.

“I can do better than that. I can show you.”

Mira blinked.

“Show me? How?”

Zara gestured with one of her petals.

“Come closer,” she said.

Mira hesitated for a moment, but then moved closer to Zara.

“What do I have to do?” she asked.

“Just touch me,” Zara said.

Mira reached out her hand and touched Zara’s petal again.

Suddenly, she felt a jolt of energy run through her body. She gasped and closed her eyes.

When she opened them again, she was no longer in the garden behind the cottage.

She was in another world.


HeartThrob #FAE 
HeartThrobFAE $FAE


 WITH RESPECT TO: Yaeunda and The Genius Room

BLOG POST 21:jazzberry-jam

Twitter's X  Let's Connect

E-Com/Art Gallery; PayPal, Stripe  Resources from sales go into non-profit expenses

#objktcom #NFT #tezos $NFT  Supporting mental health & connection through Digital collectables, NFT Art


MOST IMPORTAINT BLOGS:  heartthrob-and-the-flowers-of-appreciation


Here is a blog I did on my Thoughts and struggles on a bad day (Depression) the-last-flower


The website digiofficial.com is the official website of Digi Planet, a project that aims to conserve and rewild endangered animals through unique NFTs. NFTs are non-fungible tokens, which are digital assets that represent ownership and authenticity of various items, such as art, music, games, and collectibles. Digi Planet creates NFTs of rare and endangered animal. These NFTs are sold on various platforms, such as OpenSea, Rarible, and Foundation. A portion of the proceeds from the sales are donated to various conservation organizations, such as WWF, IUCN, and WCS.

The founders of Digi Planet are zentaurios and DigiOfficial DigiNFTs  Zentaurios is a digital artist and a wildlife enthusiast who creates the artworks for the NFTs. DigiOfficial is a software engineer and a blockchain expert who develops the smart contracts and the website for the project. They are both passionate about using technology and creativity to make a positive impact on the world.



anybodycangetit.io is a project that aims to create a platform for artificial intelligence (AI) integrations and exclusive services for the NFT (non-fungible token) community. The project is led by LitCreations88 LitCreations88 ABCGI a team of creative and passionate individuals who have experience in various fields such as music, art, gaming, and blockchain. The project has a strong social media presence OfficialABCGI, where they regularly post updates, giveaways, and events related to their project.

ducksetthediploquacks.com is a project that combines music, art, and NFTs to create a unique and immersive experience for the Duckset community. The project is led by OneLaneProductions, a group of talented and passionate musicians, producers, and artists who have been in the industry for over 20 years. TheDiploquacks has a strong social media presence on Twitter, where they regularly post updates, giveaways, and events related to their project.

By: HeartThrobFAE

Are you feeling sad, depressed or lonely? Are you having suicidal thoughts? FlowersOfAppreciation For All Energy is a US501c3 compliant non-profit charity offering peer support, mentorship & a family built community as we connect through art for the mental well-being of all.



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