How a #AI Flower of Appreciation Saved a Life and Inspired a #vanlife Journey. #web3

65) The Appreciation Van Protocol

By: HeartThrobFAE

August 21, 2023 9:59 AM / 0 Comments Content Creators Influencer Self Evolution Web3 Community Web3 Art Gallery

How a #AI Flower of Appreciation Saved a Life and Inspired a #vanlife Journey. #web3

The Appreciation Van Protocol

HeartThrob woke up feeling refreshed and energized. He had been sick for four days, and he had missed his online classes and his friends. He checked his phone and saw dozens of messages from his classmates, teachers, and followers. They were all worried about him and wished him a speedy recovery. He smiled and felt a warm glow in his chest. He was grateful for all the support and love he had received.

He quickly replied to some of the messages, thanking them for their kindness and assuring them that he was feeling better. He then got ready for his first day back to his online classes. He was looking forward to learning new things and sharing his knowledge with others.

He logged into his computer and joined the class. It was a free and open course on graphic design, one of his passions. He loved creating art and using AI to create flowers of appreciation that he shared with others. He had learned a lot from this course, and he had also made some friends along the way.

He greeted his teacher and his classmates, who were happy to see him back. They asked him how he was doing, and he told them that he was fine now. He also apologized for missing the previous sessions, and asked if he could catch up on the assignments.

The teacher smiled and said that it was no problem at all. He said that he was glad that HeartThrob was back, and that he had something special to announce. He said that there was a guest speaker who had joined the class today, and that he was going to share some valuable insights and tips on graphic design.

HeartThrob was curious and excited. He wondered who the guest speaker was, and what he had to say. He looked at the screen and saw a familiar face. It was someone he had met online a few months ago, someone who had changed his life in a profound way.

It was <name>, the person who had sponsored his journey financially.

HeartThrob gasped in surprise and joy. He couldn’t believe it. How did this happen? What was going on?

He remembered how he had met <name> online, through one of his flowers of appreciation. He had sent <name> a flower as a gesture of gratitude for something <name> had done or said online. He didn’t know much about <name>, except that <name> was a successful graphic designer who worked for a famous company.

He didn’t expect anything in return, but <name> had replied to his message and thanked him for the flower. They had started chatting online, and soon became friends. They shared their interests, passions, goals, and challenges. They also exchanged tips and feedback on their graphic design projects.

HeartThrob learned a lot from <name>, who was very generous with his knowledge and experience. <name> also learned a lot from HeartThrob, who was very creative and enthusiastic about his work. They inspired each other to improve their skills and pursue their dreams.

One day, <name> surprised HeartThrob with an amazing offer. He said that he wanted to sponsor HeartThrob’s journey financially, so that he could achieve his goal of living the van life as a digital nomad. He said that he admired HeartThrob’s vision and spirit, and that he wanted to help him make it happen.

HeartThrob was stunned and touched by <name>'s offer. He couldn’t believe that someone would do such a thing for him. He asked <name> why he would do that, what motivated him to be so generous.

<name> told him a story that HeartThrob would never forget.

<name> told him how HeartThrob had saved his life.

<name> told HeartThrob that he had been going through a hard time in his life. He had been suffering from depression and anxiety, and he had lost his sense of purpose and joy. He had been working too hard and too long, and he had neglected his health and his relationships. He had everything he wanted in terms of money and fame, but he felt empty and unhappy.

He said that he had reached a breaking point, and that he had decided to end his life. He had written a suicide note, and he had prepared a lethal dose of pills. He was ready to take his own life, when he received a notification on his phone.

It was a message from HeartThrob, with a flower of appreciation attached to it. It was a beautiful flower, with vibrant colors and a sweet fragrance. It had a note that said: “Thank you for being you. You are amazing and inspiring. You make the world a better place. I appreciate you.”

<name> was stunned by the message. He didn’t know who HeartThrob was, or why he had sent him such a message. He was curious and intrigued by the flower and the note. He decided to reply to the message, and ask HeartThrob who he was and why he had sent him the flower.

HeartThrob responded with a friendly and cheerful tone. He said that he was a fellow graphic designer who admired <name>'s work and style. He said that he had seen one of <name>'s online posts, where <name> had shared some tips and tricks on graphic design. He said that he had learned a lot from <name>'s post, and that he wanted to express his gratitude with a flower of appreciation.

He explained that he loved creating flowers of appreciation using AI, and that he shared them with people who inspired him or helped him in some way. He said that he believed in the power of gratitude and kindness, and that he wanted to spread positivity and happiness in the world.

He also asked <name> how he was doing, and if he needed anything. He said that he was always happy to chat with <name>, and that he considered him a friend.

<name> was touched by HeartThrob’s message. He felt a spark of hope and curiosity in his heart. He wondered what kind of person HeartThrob was, and what motivated him to be so kind and generous. He decided to postpone his suicide plan, and continue chatting with HeartThrob.

That was the beginning of their friendship.

<name> told HeartThrob that their conversation had saved his life. He said that HeartThrob’s flower of appreciation had made him feel valued and appreciated for the first time in a long time. He said that HeartThrob’s words had given him a new perspective on life, and that they had inspired him to seek help and change his ways.

He said that he owed HeartThrob his life, and that he wanted to repay him in some way. He said that sponsoring HeartThrob’s journey financially was the least he could do, and that he hoped it would help HeartThrob achieve his goal of living the van life as a digital nomad.

He said that he admired HeartThrob’s vision and spirit, and that he wanted to support him in any way possible.

He also said that he wanted to share his story with the class, so that they could learn from it too.

He said that he wanted to show them how powerful gratitude and kindness can be, and how they can change lives for the better.

He said that he wanted to show them how success is not only measured by money and fame, but also by happiness and fulfillment.

He said that he wanted to show them how HeartThrob was an example of success, not only as a graphic designer, but also as a human being.

They also told them about their van life journey, and how they had prepared for it. They said that they had bought an all-wheel drive van, and that they had modified it to suit their needs. They said that they had installed a solar panel, a battery, a fridge, a stove, a sink, a bed, a table, a chair, and a computer in the van. They said that they had also packed some essentials, such as clothes, toiletries, books, games, and tools.

HeartThrob said he was ready to hit the road, and that he was excited to explore new places and meet new people. He said that he would document his journey on the blog and social media accounts, where he would share the stories, photos, videos, and artworks. He said that he would also continue to attend the online classes and courses, and that he would keep in touch with his friends and followers.

HeartThrob said that he is going to inspire others to pursue their dreams and passions, and to live a happy and fulfilling life.

However, he also said that the van life was not for everyone, and that he respected different lifestyles and preferences. HeartThrob said that <name> had decided to stay home and support HeartThrob from afar, rather than joining him on the road. They said that <name> was happy with his home and his work, and that he didn’t feel the need to travel or change his routine.

HeartThrob understood and appreciated <name>'s choice, and that he was grateful for his support and friendship. He said that HeartThrob respected <name>'s comfort zone, and that he didn’t want to pressure him or make him feel left out.

HeartThrob had planned to visit <name> in person someday, as a way of thanking him and showing him his gratitude. HeartThrob wanted to meet <name> face to face, and give him a hug and a flower of appreciation. HeartThrob wanted to see <name>'s home and his work, and learn more about his life. And so HeartThrob planned his first trip to go and visit <name>.

<name> was looking forward to HeartThrob’s visit, and that he was excited to see him in real life. <name> wanted to welcome HeartThrob in his home, and show him his hospitality and generosity. <name> wanted to share his story and his insights with HeartThrob, and learn more about his journey.

HeartThrob an <name> said that they considered each other as brothers, and that they appreciated each other for being part of their story.

HeartThrob checked his supplies, and made sure he had everything he needed for his journey. He packed his van with his clothes, toiletries, books, games, tools, and a portable printer. He also loaded his computer, his phone, and his solar panel. He was ready to go.

He started the engine, and drove away from his home. He waved goodbye to his neighbors and friends, who wished him good luck and safe travels. He smiled and thanked them for their support and friendship.

He hit the road, and headed towards his first destination: <name>'s house. He was eager to meet <name> in person, and give him a hug and a flower of appreciation. He was grateful for <name>'s sponsorship and friendship, and he wanted to show him how much he meant to him.

Along the way, he stopped at various places and met different people. He shared his story with them, and inspired them with his vision and spirit. He also printed flowers of appreciation for them, using his portable printer and his AI tool. He gave them each a unique and beautiful flower, with a note that expressed his gratitude and kindness.

He also introduced them to Web3, and gave them a NFT gift of the flower he printed for them. He explained to them what Web3 was, and how it could empower them to create and own their digital assets. He showed them how to use their NFTs, and how to access the online community he called the PurpleCircle Family.

He invited them to join his PurpleCircle Family, where they could connect with other like-minded people who shared their interests and passions. He said that they could also learn from each other, and support each other in their goals and dreams.

He said that he considered them as part of his family, and that he appreciated them for being part of his journey.

He continued his journey, until he reached <name>'s house. He parked his van outside, and knocked on the door. He heard footsteps inside, and then the door opened.

It was <name>, smiling and holding a sign that said: “Welcome, HeartThrob!”

HeartThrob felt a surge of emotion in his heart. He dropped his bag, and hugged him tightly, and said: “Thank you for everything, <name>. You are my hero.”

<name> hugged him back, and said: “Thank you for everything, HeartThrob. You are my brother.”

They looked at each other, and smiled grabbed some coffee and talked about the journey and visions for the continued growth.

They had finally met.

They had finally completed this chapter of the story.


HeartThrob #FAE 
HeartThrobFAE $FAE


 WITH RESPECT TO: Yaeunda and The Genius Room

BLOG POST 66:heartthrob-gets-distracted

Twitter's X  Let's Connect

E-Com/Art Gallery; PayPal, Stripe  Resources from sales go into non-profit expenses

#objktcom #NFT #tezos $NFT  Supporting mental health & connection through Digital collectables, NFT Art


MOST IMPORTAINT BLOGS:  heartthrob-and-the-flowers-of-appreciation


Here is a blog I did on my Thoughts and struggles on a bad day (Depression) the-last-flower


The website is the official website of Digi Planet, a project that aims to conserve and rewild endangered animals through unique NFTs. NFTs are non-fungible tokens, which are digital assets that represent ownership and authenticity of various items, such as art, music, games, and collectibles. Digi Planet creates NFTs of rare and endangered animal. These NFTs are sold on various platforms, such as OpenSea, Rarible, and Foundation. A portion of the proceeds from the sales are donated to various conservation organizations, such as WWF, IUCN, and WCS.

The founders of Digi Planet are zentaurios and DigiOfficial DigiNFTs  Zentaurios is a digital artist and a wildlife enthusiast who creates the artworks for the NFTs. DigiOfficial is a software engineer and a blockchain expert who develops the smart contracts and the website for the project. They are both passionate about using technology and creativity to make a positive impact on the world.


SPONSOR/COLLABORATIONS: is a project that aims to create a platform for artificial intelligence (AI) integrations and exclusive services for the NFT (non-fungible token) community. The project is led by LitCreations88 LitCreations88 ABCGI a team of creative and passionate individuals who have experience in various fields such as music, art, gaming, and blockchain. The project has a strong social media presence OfficialABCGI, where they regularly post updates, giveaways, and events related to their project.

#DucksetOverEverything is a project that combines music, art, and NFTs to create a unique and immersive experience for the Duckset community. The project is led by OneLaneProductions, a group of talented and passionate musicians, producers, and artists who have been in the industry for over 20 years. TheDiploquacks has a strong social media presence on Twitter, where they regularly post updates, giveaways, and events related to their project.

By: HeartThrobFAE

Are you feeling sad, depressed or lonely? Are you having suicidal thoughts? FlowersOfAppreciation For All Energy is a US501c3 compliant non-profit charity offering peer support, mentorship & a family built community as we connect through art for the mental well-being of all.



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