Tasmanian devils claw their way back from extinction ( they still need our help )

Tasmanian devils claw their way back from extinction ( they still need our help )

By: Digi Official

March 19, 2023 7:06 AM / 0 Comments Web3 Community Conservation International News Web3 Services Science NFT Collection ZentaNewsDesk ZentaPost Web3 News NFTs

Genomes show spread of deadly cancer is slowing.

For decades a ghastly facial cancer has been decimating Tasmanian devils. Spreading from animal to animal when the stocky, raccoon-size marsupials bite each other, the transmissible cancer has killed up to 80% of the devils in Tasmania, their only home for millennia. Some researchers saw extinction as inevitable. Now, a new study, reported reported this week in on p. Science eabb9772, suggests the remaining 15,000 devils have reached a détente with the cancer. Until recently it was spreading exponentially, like the pandemic coronavirus among humans in many parts of the world. But geneticists calculate that each infected devil now transmits tumor cells to just one—or fewer—other devils. That could mean the disease may disappear over time. REST of the Story link

By: Digi Official

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