Reputation Impact on Business

Reputation Impact on Business

By: Clinton Chidera

June 14, 2023 11:30 AM / 0 Comments Banking and Finance SocialFi Self Evolution Marketing Nigeria Twitter Spaces Web3 Business Developer

The inner brain’s need to find solutions that make life easier is the traditional motivation for construction. The agenda has already been structured, whether a new protocol is introduced or the old protocol is destroyed. However, the result of such…

The inner brain’s need to find solutions that make life easier is the traditional motivation for construction. The agenda has already been structured whether a new protocol is introduced or the old protocol is destroyed. However, the result of such action may be a significant roadblock to one’s own development and growth; “Such is life.”

Reputation is the foundation of all outstanding people and opens up fantastic avenues for success in a certain direction. An old proverb that sums up how ancient men attained enormous potential toward good repute is that nothing good comes easily. It is difficult to describe, but this is just the truth based on the ancient curriculum’s accepted practices in a variety of learning and development areas. terrible reputation is more difficult to handle than terrible conscience.
At this point, I refer to your real-life legacy in the worldwide society, which may result from your good standing in any industry. Reputation paved the door for growth and a customer-based firm in the commercial world. The historical overview of Thomas Edison shows that despite his animosity toward Nikolai Tesla, he had a wonderful reputation and is still regarded as the greatest inventor ever. A significant barrier to getting it right during the presidential election is Atiku’s historical account of his contributions to the public good as a public worker. His followers maneuver behind a smoke cover at all times, and he is unaware of their crafty claim that “Adamawa allocation is still in the bank during his tenure as the state governor.” The failure to complete the task during the elections is due to the unfavorable reputation. It’s time, in my opinion, to associate with people who have a solid reputation in the system by taking the necessary action to stay on course.
By joining the progressive team in power to accomplish things on the dark side of manipulation, Tinubu presents a smoke screen to the populace. This is the political culture in Africa. World, welcome.


Thomas Edison’s production history is a classic notion that all aspiring and mid-level businesspeople should take the time to investigate.
The media has always been a powerful promotional and marketing tool for goods and services. The Direct Current (DC) in electricity was discovered and invented by Thomas Edison, a brilliant English scientist. This idea was widely publicized in many media outlets, which used its capability to showcase it on their timelines. Unlike Thomas Edison, Nikolai Tesla did not publicly announce his discoveries. Although this dude’s reputation in science is excellent, something actually occurred. Always speak less if it’s necessary, because the only way to survive in secret is to hide your intentions. Every human being, by nature, possesses folly, greed, and selfishness. Because of his extreme greed, Thomas Edison spread false information about Nikolai Tesla’s invention. His reputation was nearly ruined by this approach. However, as I stated previously, “It is better to cope with a bad conscience than a bad reputation.” Both scientists were nominated even during the nomination process, but Thomas Edison declined the prize since Nikolai Tesla was involved. He even criticized Nikolai Tesla’s innovation when it was used to test the first electrocution of a criminal using its invention (DC), which failed to result in the criminal’s death. However, Thomas Edison also took advantage of the chance to research and come up with further theories for a future prototype and phototype. He was always on the main page because of this.

Reputation is a valuable asset that should be properly gathered and stored. It must be strictly protected, especially when it is first established, expecting any attacks. Once it is established, resist the need to react angrily or defensively to the defamatory remarks made by your adversaries since these reactions show insecurity rather than confidence in your reputation.

However, Edison’s career was almost destroyed by his refusal to say anything less. Fortunately, thanks to his solid reputation and hard work, his avaricious attack on Nikolai Tesla’s innovation was successfully avoided.
Yes, it is well known that Thomas Edison is a major lover of the media. Thanks to his continued research and hypotheses, he was able to make a lot of smoke glasses and defeat Nikolai Tesla. This succinct historical review clarifies the role reputation plays in business and how it protects Thomas Edison’s reputation while also breaching the taboo against talking too much. But Edison’s stubbornness to say anything less nearly cost him his career. Fortunately, his avaricious attack against Nikolai Tesla’s invention was successfully avoided because of his strong reputation and diligence.
Yes, Thomas Edison is well-recognized for being a passionate supporter of the media. He was successful in defeating Nikolai Tesla and producing numerous smoke glasses as a result of his ongoing research and theories. This brief historical overview emphasizes the importance of reputation in the business and demonstrates how Thomas Edison’s reputation was protected while simultaneously breaking the taboo against excessive speech.


This most recent summarization is evidence of modern development. Otedola describes the argument he had with Tony Elemelu at the beginning of the story, subtly criticizing him by portraying Tony Elemelu as a ruthless individual out to get him. Otedola didn’t say anything less, which is why Tony Elemelu was portrayed as greedy throughout the entire incident. Business is what this is and always will be. Always keep your motivation a secret and speak less if required. Tony Elemelu consistently employs a smoke screen mentality to achieve his goals. In Africa, corporate growth is being built on the reputation of the two gentlemanly men.

It’s incredibly depressing to read how 55% of Nigerians summarize this narrative and blame Tony for having an underlying greedy mindset. Tony Elemelu and Otedola have established a strong reputation, both good and bad, but the positive reputation outweighs the negative, allowing them to dominate the industry. This story’s summary states clearly that human nature is one of rivalry and cunning. In a kind of food web and chain of commerce, Mr. A intends to play the game, and Mr. B intends to acquire Mr. A. I didn’t interpret that as an attitude of greed, but rather as a mental game of hiding intent, talking less, and employing a smoke cover to reclaim the initiative. Tony Elumelu here.

However, this demonstrates that trust in business is the way of selling whether the product seems to look dynamic or rigid. This is an open room to relational capital by spreading your wings, it simply attracts your partnership growth towards giving the product a greater pillar.


New developments are released in business nowadays to combat existing technology. The space of this new age’s new technology is occupied by dead ideologies. Because outdated culture can never be completely destroyed, it must take time before new technology is introduced to the technical community. New products are constantly advertised against outdated ones in Africa, namely Nigeria, with the help of media-speaking gangs. You made a comparable product that has no reputation and is preparing to compete with an already-established product with a solid reputation. This product has been around for a while.

How can the new product remain competitive in the market?

The key goal of establishing a solid reputation is to stay on the safe side while establishing a specific dream. You can swim in the reputation of your ancestors to leave a prosperous legacy. It may also project a negative image of wrongdoing, theft in public, and subpar leadership. The historical analysis of Sani Abacha’s approach to measuring power by using dictatorship is a significant example that casts doubt on his contributions to the public good and contributes to his legacy’s unappreciated status.

Nobody has nice things to say about them; instead, if one of his offerings begins to show an interest in politics, history will come out to attack him, which would undoubtedly put an end to the dream, even if he is in the proper structure given the political character of Nigeria. History will always be the most potent weapon in the world since it only speaks about the most painful primary and secondary facts. You might be asking how I combine politics and business to prove a point rather than just concentrating on the corporate world. If there is no political system in a country, then money obligations can never be started. Business and government are two sides of the same coin. Kuda Bank will constantly uphold a positive reputation in order to stay on the course rather than compete with Zenith Bank or other banks through advertising. We all know that the world is a competitive place, and many products are working hard to intimidate other items. Promote your growth rather than take on the competitors. Getting such recognition is important for maintaining one’s corporate reputation. Different user-effective system expansion introduced recently attracts trusteeship. Imagine that a first bank system problem prevented people from accessing their money in the first place owing to climate change, which also significantly reduced network bandwidth. Users will make every effort to switch to another bank, which negatively impacts the company’s standing as a financial institution. This is a problem. has been a tradition for certain financial institutions in Nigeria, but First Bank has already built a strong legacy (good reputation) that allows customers to continue to have faith in their services. You see, the bank has been struggling with its conscience and is unquestionably doing a lot of effort to address network problems in order to maintain a sound banking system. Their ability to survive is a result of their sterling reputation and brave trusteeship.


Even if the new product has excellent characteristics that can surpass the previous one, it will never surpass the latter if it has no reputation. Reputation is the market that draws risk-taking customers. Thomas Edison’s standing allowed him to speak out against Nikolai Tesla’s invention, which almost ended his career. Because of this, it is preferable to deal with an already poor conscience rather than a negative reputation.

A notorious criminal in the area launched savings software to help people save money and make it possible for them to conduct simple transactions at reduced costs. hello there Would you be willing to tolerate this or welcome this new product and begin saving there?
Due to human perception and awareness of numerous natural science ideas, the percentage of responses to this question must unquestionably be quite high and below 100%. Despite the fact that he introduced a feature (save and earn 20%), many customers would still reject the product due to its poor reputation both locally and globally. Different branches of reputation were shared in the global sector. among others: politics, business technology, and education. Reputational branches are similar to an ocean’s bank in that they provide several pathways, however, keep in mind that a river’s bank is always clean. This merely means that a positive reputation from the start will prevail over future wrongdoing. I’m not here to go into all the different types of reputation, but if you’re reading this, you already know which industry you belong in.

Early this year, I came to understand that constructing a mystery around your intentions makes it difficult for others to learn about the product’s nature and origin. Utilizing social media, add smoke by making them true. But if your reputation is on the line, never criticize an already successful product. My bankruptcy is caused by the notion of human relationship capital investing in and helping the wrong side. This actually occurred because I wasn’t secretive about my intentions and future objectives, which led them to ask for my help as I was developing my financial portfolio. I responded to that right away, lost all I had stored, and had to start again.

Early this year, I came to understand that constructing a mystery around your intentions makes it difficult for others to learn about the product’s nature and origin. Utilizing social media, add smoke by making them true. But if your reputation is on the line, never criticize an already successful product. My bankruptcy is caused by the notion of human relationship capital investing in and helping the wrong side. This actually occurred because I wasn’t secretive about my intentions and future objectives, which led them to ask for my help as I was developing my financial portfolio. I responded to that right away, lost all I had stored, and had to start again.

Mark Manson’s Book: The subtle art of not giving a fuck, actually helps me to comprehend the nature of pain and how to bounce back ten times higher than before instead of always blaming past errors. This strongly underlined the idea of not caring about how things turn out and always saying less if required. In addition, it also showed that there is potential for improvement in hiding your intentions. Everyone in the world is a lord of smoke screens, and the world is a competitive arena, as summed up in the Otedola narrative.

Tosum up,

Except in cases where there is a secret project of cunning, the beginning decides the end. Reputation can take many different shapes, depending on the type of business. Some people have a reputation for cunning, which the public has accepted, but they nonetheless manage to maintain a fantastic business strategy. Like Thomas Edison, embrace the media, and never attempt to assist procedure till it is time to depose the ruler. Because it takes time to change an established protocol or law, if you’re adding a new technology into the system, please welcome the old one and gradually align the two. Over time, things will undoubtedly change. Always say less in a business setting, keep your intentions hidden as you build, and utilize the media as a smoke screen to accomplish your goals. The remedy to starting out with a bad reputation is to follow or join a respectable group or organization and perform the necessary by being a supportive element towards the union. It is ensured that things will turn out well because people desire to make decisions.


By: Clinton Chidera

An open-minded individual open to learning and sharing positive thinking, a writer exposing the world of cryptocurrency, and a cryptocurrency lover (web 3.0) movement. (Product designer, content creator, and intermediate web developer.



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