New carbonate analysis method applied to eggshells from Troodon, reptiles and birds

New carbonate analysis method applied to eggshells from Troodon, reptiles and birds

By: Digi Official

April 28, 2023 11:35 AM / 0 Comments Science Conservation Web3 Business ZentaPost International News Web3 Web3 Community

Summary: An international research team has determined that Troodon, a dinosaur very close to modern birds, was a warm-blooded animal (an endotherm), but had a reproductive system similar to that of modern reptiles. The scientists applied a new method which allowed for accurate determination of the temperature when the egg’s carbonate shell was formed. Furthermore, the researchers showed that Troodon laid 4 to 6 eggs per clutch. As nests with up to 24 Troodon eggs had been found, the scientists conclude that several Troodon females laid their eggs in communal nests.

By: Digi Official

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