😇 #Demigods 🗡️fight for the #spiritualfreedom of humanity against the 😈 #darklord in a ⚡ #cosmicwar

86) The Cosmic Balance: A Demigod’s Destiny to Restore Harmony

By: HeartThrobFAE

September 22, 2023 11:43 AM / 0 Comments Content Creators Influencer Art Gallery Web3 Community Web3 AI

😇 #Demigods 🗡️fight for the #spiritualfreedom of humanity against the 😈 #darklord in a ⚡ #cosmicwar

The Cosmic Balance: A Demigod’s Destiny to Restore Harmony

Zane was not an ordinary teenager. He was a demigod, the son of Zeus and a mortal woman. He had inherited some of his father’s powers, such as controlling lightning, flying, and sensing the presence of other divine beings. He also had a destiny, one that he was not sure he wanted to fulfill.

Zane had been chosen by the gods to lead a spiritual war against the forces of darkness, who were trying to enslave the souls of humanity and destroy the balance of the cosmos. The war was not fought with physical weapons, but with spiritual ones, such as faith, courage, wisdom, and love. Zane had to gather a team of allies, both human and divine, and face the enemy in a series of trials and battles that would test his mettle and his morality.

Zane knew that he could not refuse his calling, but he also felt scared and doubtful. He did not know if he was ready for such a responsibility, or if he could handle the consequences of his actions. He did not know if he could trust the gods, who had often been cruel and capricious to their children. He did not know if he could find the strength and the will to fight for a cause that was bigger than himself.

But he also knew that he had no choice. The fate of the world was at stake, and he was the only one who could stop the evil that threatened to consume it. He had to face his fears and doubts, and embrace his destiny as a demigod.

He packed his backpack with some essentials, such as clothes, food, water, and a few items that had been given to him by his divine relatives, such as a lightning bolt pendant from his father, a winged helmet from his uncle Hermes, and a shield from his aunt Athena. He also took his most prized possession: a photo of his mother, who had died when he was young. She was the one who had taught him about love, kindness, and hope. She was the one who had inspired him to be a hero.

He left a note for his foster parents, who had taken care of him since his mother’s death. He thanked them for their love and support, and told them that he had to go on an important mission. He did not tell them the truth about his identity or his purpose. He did not want them to worry or to get involved in something dangerous.

He walked out of the house and looked up at the sky. It was dark and stormy, as if reflecting his mood. He felt a surge of electricity in his veins, and heard a voice in his head.

“Zane, my son. It is time. The war has begun. You must go to the Temple of Olympus, where you will meet your allies and receive your instructions. Do not be afraid. You are not alone. You have my blessing and my protection.”

It was Zeus, his father and the king of the gods.

Zane nodded and took a deep breath. He activated his winged helmet and flew into the air. He headed towards the Temple of Olympus, where his adventure would begin.

He hoped that he would succeed in his quest, and that he would make his mother proud.

Zane arrived at the Temple of Olympus, a majestic building that stood on a hidden mountain peak. He landed on the steps and entered the main hall, where he saw a group of people waiting for him. They were his allies, the ones who would join him in the spiritual war.

He recognized some of them from his previous encounters. There was Annabelle, a daughter of Aphrodite and a beauty influencer. She had the power to charm anyone with her looks and words, and she was also skilled in using makeup and fashion as weapons. She had helped Zane escape from a trap set by the dark lord’s minions, who had tried to seduce him with false promises.

There was Leo, a son of Hephaestus and a genius inventor. He had the power to create and manipulate machines and gadgets, and he was also proficient in hacking and engineering. He had helped Zane infiltrate a secret base of the enemy, where they had sabotaged their plans and stolen some valuable information.

There was Maya, a daughter of Athena and a brilliant strategist. She had the power to analyze and solve any problem, and she was also adept in using logic and knowledge as tools. She had helped Zane decipher a mysterious prophecy that had revealed his destiny and his role in the war.

There were also some new faces that Zane had not met before. There was Kai, a son of Poseidon and a surfer. He had the power to control water and aquatic creatures, and he was also talented in using his surfboard as a weapon. He had been recruited by Maya, who had found him on a beach in Hawaii, where he had been fighting off some sea monsters sent by the dark lord.

There was Lila, a daughter of Hermes and a thief. She had the power to move fast and stealthily, and she was also gifted in using her wit and agility as skills. She had been recruited by Leo, who had encountered her in a museum in Paris, where she had been stealing some ancient artifacts that belonged to the gods.

There was Raj, a son of Shiva and a yogi. He had the power to manipulate energy and vibrations, and he was also skilled in using meditation and mantras as techniques. He had been recruited by Annabelle, who had met him in an ashram in India, where he had been teaching her how to balance her chakras.

And there was Zara, a daughter of Isis and a healer. She had the power to heal any wound or illness, and she was also proficient in using herbs and magic as remedies. She had been recruited by Zane himself, who had found her in a hospital in Cairo, where she had been healing some victims of the dark lord’s attacks.

They all greeted Zane warmly and welcomed him to the team. They told him that they were ready to follow him into battle, and that they trusted him as their leader. They also told him that they had received some gifts from their divine parents, who had sent them some weapons, armor, and items that would help them in their quest.

Zane thanked them for their support and loyalty, and looked at the gifts that they had received. He saw that they were all amazing and powerful, such as:

  • A golden bow and arrows from Apollo for Annabelle
  • A bronze hammer and wrench from Hephaestus for Leo
  • A silver sword and shield from Athena for Maya
  • A turquoise trident and shell from Poseidon for Kai
  • A leather bag and dagger from Hermes for Lila
  • A copper staff and beads from Shiva for Raj
  • A white cloak and ankh from Isis for Zara

He also saw that he had received a gift from his father Zeus: a black leather jacket with a lightning bolt emblem on the back, which would enhance his strength and speed.

He put on the jacket and felt a surge of power coursing through him. He smiled and thanked his father for his gift.

He then turned to his allies and said:

“Friends, we are about to embark on the most important mission of our lives. We are going to face the dark lord and his army of evil spirits, who want to enslave the souls of humanity and destroy the balance of the cosmos. We are going to fight for our freedom, our faith, our hope, and our love. We are going to fight for our world.”

He paused for a moment, then continued:

“We are not alone in this war. We have each other, we have our divine parents, we have our spiritual guides, we have our inner light. We are stronger than we think, we are wiser than we know, we are braver than we feel. We are demigods.”

He raised his fist in the air and shouted:

“Are you ready?”

The others raised their fists too and shouted back:

“We are ready!”

Zane nodded and said:

“Then let’s go. The war awaits us.”

He led them out of the temple and towards the portal that would take them to the spiritual realm, where their adventure would continue.

Zane and his allies walked towards the portal that would take them to the spiritual realm, where the war was raging. The portal was a large circular opening in the air, surrounded by a ring of glowing runes. It looked like a window to another world, a world that was dark and chaotic.

As they approached the portal, they saw that it was guarded by two statues of winged lions, which were symbols of protection and courage. The statues were made of bronze and had sapphire eyes that shone with a mysterious light. They also saw that the portal was decorated with various flowers, which were symbols of different aspects of war.

They recognized some of the flowers from their previous research. There were poppies, which represented lives lost to war; irises, which represented power and royalty; hyacinths, which represented sorrow and regret; and roses, which represented love and passion.

They also saw some other flowers that they did not know. There were lilies, which represented purity and innocence; orchids, which represented beauty and elegance; sunflowers, which represented loyalty and admiration; and daisies, which represented hope and optimism.

They wondered why these flowers were chosen to adorn the portal, and what they meant for their quest. They decided to ask their spiritual guides, who had been assigned to them by their divine parents. Their spiritual guides were beings of light and wisdom, who could communicate with them through their minds and hearts.

They each heard a voice in their head, telling them the meaning of the flowers:

  • Zane heard Zeus, who said: “The lilies are for you, my son. They remind you of your mother, who was pure and innocent in her love for you and me. She gave you her light, her strength, and her hope. She is watching over you from the heavens, and she is proud of you.”

  • Annabelle heard Aphrodite, who said: “The orchids are for you, my daughter. They reflect your beauty and elegance, which are not only physical, but also spiritual. You have a charm that can win over anyone, but you also have a heart that can love deeply. You are my precious flower.”

  • Leo heard Hephaestus, who said: “The sunflowers are for you, my son. They symbolize your loyalty and admiration, which are not only for your friends, but also for your creations. You have a genius that can invent anything, but you also have a passion that can inspire others. You are my bright star.”

  • Maya heard Athena, who said: “The daisies are for you, my daughter. They signify your hope and optimism, which are not only for yourself, but also for your world. You have a wisdom that can solve any problem, but you also have a vision that can see beyond the present. You are my shining light.”

  • Kai heard Poseidon, who said: “The lotuses are for you, my son. They represent your calmness and serenity, which are not only in your mind, but also in your soul. You have a power that can control water and life, but you also have a harmony that can balance nature and spirit. You are my peaceful wave.”

  • Lila heard Hermes, who said: “The violets are for you, my daughter. They symbolize your humility and modesty, which are not only in your words, but also in your actions. You have a skill that can move fast and stealthily, but you also have a grace that can respect others and yourself. You are my sweet fragrance.”

  • Raj heard Shiva, who said: “The marigolds are for you, my son. They signify your energy and vitality, which are not only in your body, but also in your aura. You have a technique that can manipulate energy and vibrations, but you also have a meditation that can connect with the divine and the cosmic. You are my radiant flame.”

  • Zara heard Isis, who said: “The jasmine are for you, my daughter. They represent your healing and compassion, which are not only in your hands, but also in your heart. You have a magic that can heal any wound or illness, but you also have a love that can comfort any soul or spirit. You are my gentle breeze.”

They thanked their spiritual guides for their words of encouragement and guidance. They felt a warm sensation in their chests, as if they were being hugged by their divine parents.

They then looked at each other and smiled. They felt a bond of friendship and trust among them. They felt ready to face the war.

They walked through the portal together.

They arrived at the spiritual realm.

It was a place unlike any they had ever seen before.

It was a place where reality was shaped by thoughts and emotions.

It was a place where light and darkness clashed.

It was a place where good and evil fought.

It was a place where life and death mattered.

It was a place where war was.

They saw a vast battlefield, where thousands of souls and spirits were engaged in combat. They saw angels and demons, gods and monsters, heroes and villains, all fighting for their cause. They saw flashes of fire and lightning, blasts of wind and water, sparks of magic and metal, all creating a spectacle of chaos and destruction.

They also saw a dark tower, where the dark lord resided. He was the mastermind behind the war, the one who wanted to enslave the souls of humanity and destroy the balance of the cosmos. He was a powerful and ancient being, who had once been a god, but had fallen from grace. He was a twisted and corrupted being, who had lost his light, his love, and his hope.

He was their enemy.

They felt a chill in their spines, as they sensed his presence. They felt a fear in their hearts, as they realized his power. They felt a rage in their veins, as they remembered his crimes.

They also felt a determination in their minds, as they knew their mission. They felt a courage in their souls, as they accepted their challenge. They felt a faith in their spirits, as they believed in their destiny.

They were demigods.

They were heroes.

They were warriors.

They assembled for war.



HeartThrob #FAE 
HeartThrobFAE $FAE


BLOG POST 87: 87-the-cosmic-balance-pt2

 WITH RESPECT TO: Yaeunda and The Genius Room  LitCreations and the anybodycangetit.io Family

Twitter's X  Let's Connect

E-Com/Art Gallery; PayPal, Stripe  Resources from sales go into non-profit expenses

#objktcom #NFT #tezos $NFT  Supporting mental health & connection through Digital collectables, NFT Art


BLOG POST 1-100 INDEX:  blog-post-1-100-index

BLOG POST 101-200 INDEX (WIP)  blog-post-101-200-index-wip



Here is a blog I did on my Thoughts and struggles on a bad day (Depression) the-last-flower


The website digiofficial.com is the official website of Digi Planet, a project that aims to conserve and rewild endangered animals through unique NFTs. NFTs are non-fungible tokens, which are digital assets that represent ownership and authenticity of various items, such as art, music, games, and collectibles. Digi Planet creates NFTs of rare and endangered animal. These NFTs are sold on various platforms, such as OpenSea, Rarible, and Foundation. A portion of the proceeds from the sales are donated to various conservation organizations, such as WWF, IUCN, and WCS.

The founders of Digi Planet are zentaurios and DigiOfficial DigiNFTs  Zentaurios is a digital artist and a wildlife enthusiast who creates the artworks for the NFTs. DigiOfficial is a software engineer and a blockchain expert who develops the smart contracts and the website for the project. They are both passionate about using technology and creativity to make a positive impact on the world.



anybodycangetit.io is a project that aims to create a platform for artificial intelligence (AI) integrations and exclusive services for the NFT (non-fungible token) community. The project is led by LitCreations88 LitCreations88 ABCGI a team of creative and passionate individuals who have experience in various fields such as music, art, gaming, and blockchain. The project has a strong social media presence OfficialABCGI, where they regularly post updates, giveaways, and events related to their project.

ducksetthediploquacks.com is a project that combines music, art, and NFTs to create a unique and immersive experience for the Duckset community. The project is led by OneLaneProductions, a group of talented and passionate musicians, producers, and artists who have been in the industry for over 20 years. TheDiploquacks has a strong social media presence on Twitter, where they regularly post updates, giveaways, and events related to their project.

By: HeartThrobFAE

Are you feeling sad, depressed or lonely? Are you having suicidal thoughts? FlowersOfAppreciation For All Energy is a US501c3 compliant non-profit charity offering peer support, mentorship & a family built community as we connect through art for the mental well-being of all.



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