The Idea Continues.


By: HeartThrobFAE

February 26, 2024 2:09 PM / 0 Comments Self Evolution Philosophy Content Creators Web3 Community AI

The Idea Continues.

NOTES: This is an extention of yesterdays thoughts.

  why people lie about support
[Opening music]

Host: Welcome back to our podcast, where we explore the many facets of human behavior. Today, we're diving into the topic of why people lie about support. 

Co-host: Support is such a crucial aspect of our lives, whether it's from friends, family, or even strangers. So why do some people feel the need to lie about their level of support? 

Host: That's a great question, and one that has puzzled psychologists and researchers for quite some time. One theory is that people lie about support because they want to fit in or appear more popular than they actually are. 

Co-host: It makes sense that people would want to be perceived as well-liked and supported by others. In today's social media-driven world, the pressure to have a large following can be overwhelming. 

Host: Absolutely. And sometimes, people may lie about support because they feel ashamed of their true level of support. They may fear that others will judge them if they don't have as many friends or followers as they would like. 

Co-host: It's sad to think that people would feel the need to lie about something as personal as support. But it's also a reminder that we shouldn't judge others based on their social circle or online presence. 

Host: That's a great point. It's important to remember that everyone has their own reasons for lying about support, and it's not always a reflection of their true self. 

Co-host: So the next time you see someone boasting about their support network, take a moment to consider why they might be saying that. And remember, a true friend is someone who supports you no matter what. 

Host: Thanks for tuning in to our podcast. Join us next time as we explore another intriguing aspect of human behavior. 

[Closing music]


By: HeartThrobFAE

Are you feeling sad, depressed or lonely? Are you having suicidal thoughts? FlowersOfAppreciation For All Energy is a US501c3 compliant non-profit charity offering peer support, mentorship & a family built community as we connect through art for the mental well-being of all.



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