Discover the legend of the 🎵Acustans, a civilization that used soundwaves to build a 🏛️stonecity and learned to live in #harmony with🌳 #nature

108) The Legend of the Stone City

By: HeartThrobFAE

December 20, 2023 9:09 AM / 0 Comments Influencer Self Evolution Content Creators AI Philosophy

Discover the legend of the 🎵Acustans, a civilization that used soundwaves to build a 🏛️stonecity and learned to live in #harmony with🌳 #nature

The Legend of the Stone City 

Long ago, there was a civilization that lived in a fertile valley surrounded by mountains. They were called the Acustans, and they had a special gift: they could manipulate sound waves to create heat and lift objects. They used this gift to build a magnificent city of massive stones, which they called Acustopolis.

The Acustans believed that their gift came from the gods, and they wanted to learn from them and follow their ways. They built a huge structure in the center of the city, which was a combination of a pyramid and a castle. It had four triangular sides that rose to a square top, where the king and the priests lived. The pyramid-castle was decorated with intricate carvings and paintings, and it was visible from every corner of the city.

Around the pyramid-castle, the Acustans carved many statues of their gods, each one made of a single block of stone. They carved them with exquisite detail and precision, and they gave them different attributes and powers. But the statues were not only for admiration, they were also for education. Each statue had a lesson and a teaching engraved on its base, which the Acustans read and followed. There was the god of the sun, who taught them to be bright and warm. There was the god of the moon, who taught them to be calm and reflective. There was the god of the earth, who taught them to be strong and stable. There was the god of the water, who taught them to be fluid and adaptable. And there were many more. The Acustans respected them and lived by their wisdom.

The Acustans also built colossal obelisks of a single stone, which they carved with cuneiform script. The obelisks contained the history and the laws of the Acustans, and they served as a reminder of their achievements and their duties. The obelisks were placed at the four corners of the city, and they pointed to the sky.

In a field outside of the city, the Acustans constructed a stone circle, which they used as a calendar and an observatory. They aligned the stones with the movements of the sun, the moon, and the stars, and they marked the seasons and the festivals. The stone circle was also a place of learning and discovery, where the Acustans studied the secrets of the cosmos.

The Acustans were proud of their city and their gift, and they lived in peace and harmony for many years. They used their sound waves to cut, carve, and move the stones, and they created wonders that amazed the world. They were the masters of sound and stone, and they thought that nothing could stop them.

But one day, they realized that their gift had a price. They noticed that their sound waves were harming the plants and animals around them, and that their city was consuming too much of the natural resources. They felt guilty and ashamed, and they decided to change their ways. They stopped using their sound waves for building and moving stones, and they started using them for healing and nurturing. They planted trees and flowers around their city, and they cared for the wildlife. They reduced their consumption and their waste, and they shared their surplus with their neighbors. They learned to live in balance and harmony with nature, and they thanked the gods for their gift.

As the centuries went by, a massive rainforest grew around the city, covering it with green and life. The rainforest and time created a forest so vast that the city became isolated and forgotten by the rest of the world. The Acustans were happy and content, and they continued to use their gift for good. They passed on their knowledge and their values to their children, and they hoped that one day, they would meet other people who would appreciate their gift and their city.

But no one knows if the Acustans still exist, or if their city is still hidden in the forest. All that remains of their city are the whispers of the stones, which still echo their sound waves. 

The End



HeartThrob #FAE 
HeartThrobFAE $FAE


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The founders of Digi Planet are zentaurios and DigiOfficial DigiNFTs  Zentaurios is a digital artist and a wildlife enthusiast who creates the artworks for the NFTs. DigiOfficial is a software engineer and a blockchain expert who develops the smart contracts and the website for the project. They are both passionate about using technology and creativity to make a positive impact on the world.


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By: HeartThrobFAE

Are you feeling sad, depressed or lonely? Are you having suicidal thoughts? FlowersOfAppreciation For All Energy is a US501c3 compliant non-profit charity offering peer support, mentorship & a family built community as we connect through art for the mental well-being of all.



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